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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a black lynxpoint shorthair coatred lynxpoint trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings neutral eyes. Left Violet Headpiece
Trade Wind [xe/xem]
Pleasant Personality
Undiscovered Aspect

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Physical Traits
Basic Data:
Spring 35, Year 8
Adult (1 Year)
Born in Nestor's Wood
ID Code:
13 lbs. / 5.9 kg
Black-Red Tortoiseshell
White Marks:
Bib, Boots, & Belly / C4
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
[ Unknown Genetic String ]
Personality Traits
Pleasant Personality:
Held Trinket:
Feather Charm
[Cleverness +3]
Feather Charm
Attributes and Occupations
Day Job: Teacher (Specialty Role)
Gatherer Level 3 [60/560 EXP]
Gardener Level 2 [130/280 EXP]
Herbalist Level 1 [30/140 EXP]
Farmer Level 1 [40/140 EXP]
Flockherd Level 1 [100/140 EXP]
Adventuring Class: Scout
Scout Level 3 [40/300 EXP]















Very Good















Very Good




















Very Good










Very Good





Very Good






The Mayor is currently providing the following effects to this cat:
+1 Strength, +1 Perception, & +2 Bravery.
Clay - Partner
Dusty - Best Friend
Cloudcover - Friend
Tea - Friend
Sandgrain - Friend
Halo - Friend
Doe - Friend
Spark - Friend
Camel Cricket - Littermate
Garden - Child
Frostmorn - Child
AniseSwallowtail - Parent
Io Moth - Parent
Snowdrop - Sibling
Krazi - Sibling

Sweet-natured Goldmoon loves clear skies and good vibes. When not-cats around xem are unhappy, xe gets nervous and doesn't know what to do with xemself. Sometimes, xe gets so caught up in trying to make sure everyone else in the village is healthy and happy, xe forgets to be kind to xemself. Xyr friends are aware of this, though, and they do their best to always help xem in turn.

Because xe's so easily affected by the worries of others, other not-cats sometimes just don't tell xem things, not wanting to upset xem. For this reason, xe's sometimes a little out of the loop.

Goldmoon works as Little Respite's school teacher. Xyr patience, kindness, and willingness to switch up xyr teaching style to play to each student's individual strengths, makes xem highly beloved among the town's kitten population, as well as fondly remembered by former graduates. Goldmoon loves all the students under xyr care in turn, and beams with pride every time they make progress. When someone graduates from xyr school, xe often sheds a little tear ... even though they live at most a couple of blocks away and xe's sure to see them at luncheon the very next day.

Goldmoon also has a wealth of hobbies. Xe loves nature and enjoys caring for both plants and animals. Pressing flowers is one of xyr favorite pastimes, and xe often sends little greeting cards with pressed flowers out to xyr friends to remind them how special and important they are.

collectablesJourney to Not-Earth: Firsthand Accounts of Migration

Goldmoon grew up in a mysterious village deep in Nestor's Wood, isolated from the rest of not-cat society. Xe rarely talks about xyr past, seeming a bit on edge about the whole ordeal, but from what little xe has shared, it seems the community there is quite insular, hostile to outsiders, and worships strange bug gods. Goldmoon was told all xyr life that leaving the safety of xyr birth place would surely be the end of xem - yet one day, xe met someone who had come to live in the town from somewhere else, and in secret, they told her about the wonders of the outside world.

No one is quite sure how Goldmoon, of all not-cats, found the heart and the courage to leave xyr old life behind, and xyr family with it - but after a nerve-wracking trek through the woods, xe came upon a road, and a group of travelers pointed xem in the direction of Little Respite.

In Little Respite, Goldmoon started a new life, beginning by slowly recovering from the shock of the sudden change, as well as learning everything xe could about the brand new world xe found xemself in. Xe realized, somewhat belatedly, that xe was unlikely to ever hear from xyr family again. Few dared leave Bugsville at all, and it's not like xe could ask a mail carrier to go somewhere so dangerous to deliver or receive any letters ...

For a while, Goldmoon was listless, unsure of what to do with xemself, at times even wondering if xe would have been better off staying in Bugsville. At least back home, xe had known who xe was.

But in time, the feeling passed, and Goldmoon made new friends and new connections. Xe soon fell in love with another newcomer in town, Clay, who was kind and attentive, yet never pressured Goldmoon to talk about xyr past beyond what xe wanted to share.

As xe continued with xyr studies about the wider world of Not-Earth, Goldmoon also soon realized xe had a passion for learning in general, even beyond merely filling the gaps in xyr education. Xe became a regular at the local library, and in time, xe became one of the most well-read not-cats in Little Respite, knowledgable on a wide range of subjects. Xe and Clay eventually had a litter of beans together, and one of Goldmoon's favorite activities was to share the many interesting things xe learned with xyr children.

When the community first established its school, Clay encouraged Goldmoon to apply for the position of teacher. Goldmoon thought this was a terrible idea at first - xe felt xe still had so much more to learn xemself! - but the more xe thought about it, the more xe came around to the idea. Being able to share xyr love of learning with a new generation of kittens, having the opportunity to teach the little ones how to do good research, how to fact-check, and avoid the kind of situation that Goldmoon's family ended up in ... What if xe really was the best candidate, after all?

Goldmoon decided to take a risk, and from xyr very first day on the new job, xe knew this was xyr calling in life. Xyr first student was Roadkill, then Orca, and then finally a full class of kittens, including xyr own two babies, Garden and Frostmorn. Goldmoon was beloved by students and parents alike, and all the village finally got to see Goldmoon shine.

Social circle: [Library Gang] [The Book Club] [The Green Thumbs]

- Clay: Goldmoon's partner. Clay's confidence and strength of character helps to soothe Goldmoon's nervous tendencies, and the two are very soft and sweet with each other. They are both hopeless romantics, and will often send each other love letters, even though they live in the same house. Goldmoon always includes pressed flowers in xyr letters to Clay, and Clay keeps all of them framed on the wall over her bed.

- Dusty: Goldmoon's best friend. When Goldmoon first arrived in Little Respite, Dusty mentored xem in gardening to help xem get xyr mind off things. It was Goldmoon's first true friend in town, and Goldmoon has never forgotten the way Dusty took xem under its wing. The two meet up every day to have afternoon tea together and talk about how things are going in their lives.

- Frostmorn: Another of Goldmoon and Clay's children. They both treated Frostmorn with a lot of patience and kindness growing up, and they were very paws-on about teaching them things in a way they found fun and exciting. Goldmoon was their teacher during their school years, and because xe knew them so well, they were able to do excellent in school, despite their low dedication. They will also always be grateful to Clay for coming with them on their travels during their adolescence. Though Frostmorn has grown independent over the years and they don't spend much time with their parents anymore, they know the two of them will always be there for them when they need them, and Goldmoon and Clay know they're always welcome to come bother Frostmorn for attention anytime if they miss them.

- Family back home: Most of Goldmoon's family still lives in the reclusive village of Bugsville, and have no contact with the outside world, so Goldmoon hasn't seen them or heard from them since xe left. A part of xem is still holding out hope that xe will be able to reunite with them one day ... but xe knows it will most likely never happen. Unbeknownst to Goldmoon, xyr younger sibling, Snowdrop, has also left home, following in xyr footsteps.

- Finn, Ulli and Clay's younger siblings back home: While Goldmoon has been unable to visit xyr own family after leaving home, Clay has welcomed xem into her family with open arms, and xe often comes with her to visit the in-laws in her hometown. Goldmoon finds the sheer size of Clay's family intimidating, afraid xe'll mix up names at any given moment, but Clay assures xem xe's doing wonderfully. In time, Goldmoon has learned to believe her.

- Gundula and Clay's other family members: While Goldmoon hasn't seen much of Clay's family outside of her hometown, xe always pesters Clay about remembering to send xyr regards when Clay writes to the rest of her relatives. Clay sometimes pretends to forget just to mess with xem a little bit, but she never actually does. It's clearly important to Goldmoon that her family likes xem.

  • My first traded-for not-cat, received from Olm at a newbie-discount in summer, year 9.
  • Received xyr feather charm as a gift from Amberbug as thanks for supporting her during a difficult time; the feather charm is special to Amberbug, as she found it on her first day out on a little adventure as a child.
  • Made xem partners with Clay in summer, year 9, because xe gave me hopeless romantic vibes and I felt a cute partnership would fit xyr character well.
  • Had xyr first litter in summer, year 9.
  • Is the village's first teacher; among others, xe taught xyr own children, Garden and Frostmorn.
  • Favored job: teacher.
  • [C][NS][SS][BOFD4][YNPT][YN4C][??][BR]

  • Let xem and Clay have at least one more litter.

Currently Wearing: Left Violet Headpiece #733

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