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Nestor's Wood ★

Note: This not-cat is currently out traveling the world!

Not-cat with a buff broken shorthair coatcharc broken trade markingsghost white markings content eyes. [Custom] Edgy Choker and Bracelets[Custom] Industrial Ear Wear
Trade Wind [it/its]
Imaginative Personality
Undiscovered Aspect

Physical Traits
Basic Data:
Summer 16, Year 9
Adult (0 Years)
Born in Nestor's Wood
ID Code:
9 lbs. / 4.08 kg
Buff-Charcoal Tortoiseshell
White Marks:
Ghost / I6
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
[ Unknown Genetic String ]
Personality Traits
Imaginative Personality:
Held Trinket:
Decorated Bone
[Strength +2]
Decorated Bone
Attributes and Occupations
Day Job: Unassigned
Apothecary Level 1 [10/140 EXP]
Adventuring Class: Bard
Bard Level 4 [Maximum Level]





Very Good




















Very Good



































Very Good











The Mayor is currently providing the following effects to this cat:
+1 Strength, +1 Perception, & +1 Bravery.
Amberbug - Friend
Princess - Rival
Marble - Littermate
Wildfire - Good Pibling
Cannellini - Good Pibling
Granite - Grandparent
Sheeps - Grandparent
Mirrors - Great Grandparent
Smoke - Great Grandparent
Tea - Parent
Spark - Parent
Smudge - Sibling
Nacre - Sibling

This cheerful not-cat has strange interests and a morbid sense of humor. Specter is preoccupied with death, decay and ghosts, and it seems to delight in creeping others out. At night, it sometimes goes out into the woods and conducts strange rituals. Is it trying to commune with the dead ..?

specialFamily Tree

Specter grew up in Little Respite, alongside its littermate, Marble. Unfortunately, during the first few weeks of their life, the two of them had trouble getting along. Even as tiny little beans, they would often start biting each other out of nowhere, seemingly for no reason at all. Eventually, they became stressed out just sitting together in the same basket. One time, Specter bit Marble so hard it left a scar on his little tail, which remains to this day.

Their parents were at a loss for what to do until a newcomer in town, Lily - who had had similar troubles with a previous litter of theirs - stepped in to have a closer look at the kittens. Lily immediately recognized the problem: Specter was agitated over something, which caused it to lash out at Marble, because he was always the closest thing moving nearby! This led Marble to being wary of Specter and more likely to bite it in turn, and so they were both constantly on edge. Upon closer examination, it became clear that Specter was simply mildly allergic to the fabric its carrying basket was made of. Stream quickly fashioned a new basket made of different material, and Lily helped the three now-very-relieved parents with slowly and carefully reacclimating the two beans to one another. With a bit of time and patience, the biting and scratching stopped entirely, and the children became the best of friends.

When Specter grew a little older, it also made friends with Amberbug, the leader of the most notorious kitten gang in Little Respite. Amberbug initially approached Specter - very reluctantly - to help her with a scheme, and when it enthusiastically helped her out and did a wonderful job while it was at it, Amberbug made it an honorary member of the gang. The two of them would go on to pull off many severely naughty kitten schemes together, and they came to think of one another as close friends.

Sadly, as Amberbug grew older and her little gang began to fall apart, she tried to latch on to Specter instead, and her mood swings and bossy demeanor made it upset. Specter didn't know how to handle either Amberbug's feelings or its own, so it started avoiding her instead.

It was soon approached by Moldspore, a kitten slightly younger than itself, who thought Specter was way cool. Excited to make a new friend in Amberbug's absence, Specter started hanging out with Moldspore more, and it was soon brought into aer little group of same-aged friends. Specter taught the younger kittens many a fun crime and strange occult knowledge, and they all got into lots of fun trouble together ... not least of all trying to avoid a very jealous Amberbug.

In young adulthood, Specter went traveling for the very first time together with all of its same-aged friends from childhood - Marble, Amberbug, Ashrain, Chobani, Chicken Jr., Princess, Garden and Frostmorn. As the little group set out to explore all the mysteries of Nestor's Wood together, they got to know both each other and themselves as independent adults. In the absence of its younger friends, Specter couldn't help but feel lonely during their travels. Marble had always been the more social of the two, so he couldn't be with his littermate all the time, and with Specter's relationship with Amberbug remaining distant and complicated, it wound up spending much of their time on the road by itself.

Noticing it was feeling down, its childhood rival, Princess, tried to approach it in subtle ways, hoping they could perhaps finally bury the hatchet, but it was difficult to let go of old resentment, and this seemed to only further drive them apart. Specter was just too weird! It was like the more Princess learned about it, the more it gave her the heebie jeebies!

Social circle: [Baby Nation]

- Marble: Specter's littermate, as well as its best friend in the world. Even though they seem very different on the surface, they are actually surprisingly similar. Even in adulthood, they spend much of their time playing together just the two of them. It seems Marble is the only not-cat who always knows exactly how Specter is feeling.

- Amberbug: Specter's first friend outside of Marble. Though they were dear to one another when they were little, they grew apart during adolescence. Amberbug still wants to reclaim Specter as her best friend, but Specter refuses to tolerate the way she treats it when she's upset, or the way she tries to control how Specter spends its time, so their friendship is on very thin ice.

- Princess: Specter'srival since childhood. Specter used to pick on Princess when they were little, and the two of them still get on each other's nerves a lot. Specter seems to resent Princess for being popular and likeable to most. Princess doesn't understand why Specter is always so mean to her and thinks of it as a freaky weirdo.

- Tea, Stream, Spark and Lily: Specter's parents. With so many dedicated parents in its life, there has always been more than enough love to go around in Specter's life. Between Tea's boundless affection, Stream's warm and gentle guidance, Spark adamantly defending its right to be a weirdo, and Lily handling its emotions with the utmost compassion and care, Specter always had a place to belong, no matter what. It feels a strong bond with its family, and one day, it hopes to be able to welcome kittens of its own into the little clan, safe in the knowledge that it will have all the help and support it will need to help its own children grow up healthy and happy.

- Hearthflame: Specter's aunt on Spark's side. She has helped raise him and Specter since they were little, and she loves them like they were her own babies. Specter finds Hearthflame incredibly cool, and it often comes along with her and Marble when they go adventuring together. Though she hasn't spoken to anyone about it, Hearthflame secretly worries that Specter, like Spark, might not be what it seems ...

- Wildfire and Cannellini: Specter's piblings on Tea's side. They both absolutely love Specter, frequently spending time with it when they come visit. Since Specter was very little, Wildfire especially has been excited about the sheer novelty of its weirdness.

- Sheeps and Granite: Specter's grandparents on Tea's side. Specter plays up its innocence around Granite, who thinks it is an absolute angel, but when it's alone with Sheeps, it goes above and beyond to be as much of a freak as not-catly possible. It has realized that Sheeps finds it generally concerning, but is trying really hard to relate to it, and Specter has made a game out of seeing how far it can go before its grandrenny loses it. Thus far no luck, but Specter is nothing if not persistent!

- Ava, Pillbug, Archer, Lavender, Hermenze, Hare, and Stream's siblings: Specter's family on Stream's side. Though it isn't as close with them as it is with Tea's family, it still comes with Stream to visit everyone in the Twinkling Clearing from time to time. It is very interested in its grandparents' business, especially the clothes that get a bit spooky. Unfortunately, its pibling, Pillbug, is a little too enthusiastic about playing dress-up with a fellow fashion fanatic, and Specter has to dodge a lot of frilly dresses to get to the piercings and spiked collars.

- Lily's family: Though Lily keeps in contact with their children, they prefer keep their old family separate from their new one. As such, Specter has never met Lily's older children. The rest of Lily's family are even further out in Specter's periphery.

  • Part of the village's first batch of beans.
  • Very fond of its decorated bone trinket, which was the first trinket it found as a young kitten.
  • Was born to Tea, Spark and Stream, with Lily joining the family during Specter's beanhood.
  • Made friends with Amberbug during young kittenhood.
  • Made rivals with Princess in late young kittenhood.
  • Grew up on winter 30th, year 9, and went traveling on the same day.
  • [C][NS][SL][OBDD4][YNTS][YY6I][AB][BL]

  • Pair with a childhood friend (Moldspore, Amberbug)?

Currently Wearing: [Custom] Edgy Choker and Bracelets #3736 by Scaramouche, [Custom] Industrial Ear Wear #5449 by Cygnet

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