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Nestor's Wood ★

Note: This not-cat is currently out traveling the world!

Not-cat with a choco solid shorthair coatbrown solid trade markingslocket & toes white markings uwu eyes. [Custom] Long Snowy-White WigRight Not-Holly Headpiece
Trade Wind [ae/xe]
Protective Personality
Undiscovered Aspect

Physical Traits
Basic Data:
Summer 16, Year 9
Adult (0 Years)
Born in Nestor's Wood
ID Code:
12 lbs. / 5.44 kg
Chocolate-Brown Watercolor
White Marks:
Locket & Toes / C2
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
[ Unknown Genetic String ]
Personality Traits
Protective Personality:
Held Trinket:
Berry-Picking Bucket
[Finesse +1]
Berry-Picking Bucket
Attributes and Occupations
Day Job: Unassigned
Clothier Level 1 [10/140 EXP]
Adventuring Class: Guardian
Guardian Level 3 [59/300 EXP]





Very Good















Very Good




















Very Good















Very Good
















The Mayor is currently providing the following effects to this cat:
+1 Strength, +1 Perception, & +1 Bravery.
Locket - Friend
Chicken Jr. - Friend
Princess - Friend
Amberbug - Rival
Frostmorn - Littermate
Fayne ◼️~ - Cousin
Lyon - Cousin
Sandstorm - Cousin
Weshin - Cousin
❖St. Murodi - Cousin
Spruce - Cousin
Honeybee - Cousin
Kilyne - Cousin
Wilhelmine - Cousin
Beate - Cousin
Durwell - Cousin
Valynard - Cousin
Boaldelr - Cousin
Lily - Good Cousin
Poppy - Good Cousin
Daisy - Good Cousin
Daffodil - Good Cousin
Chamomile - Good Cousin
Myrtle - Good Cousin
Foxglove - Good Cousin
Camel Cricket - Good Pibling
Finn - Good Pibling
AniseSwallowtail - Grandparent
Io Moth - Grandparent
Ulli - Grandparent
Gundula - Grandparent
Goldmoon - Parent
Clay - Parent
Willi - Pibling
❖St. Griskie - Pibling
᠅ Bluey - Pibling
Margarete - Pibling
Snowdrop - Pibling
Krazi - Pibling
Ehrwald - Pibling
Park - Pibling
Isolde - Pibling
Chili - Pibling
Olive - Pibling

Graceful and composed, Garden seems to be the picture of virtue at all times. Though ae works hard and would never let a bit of dirt come between aerself and doing a good job at something, it seems no amount of grime or muck or sweat or tussled fur tarnishes aer beauty ... though maybe the not-cats of Little Respite are also just a little bit biased because they all like Garden a whole lot.

Though xe's not particularly loud or bossy, xe is kind and wise, and the not-cats around xem tend to follow xyr suggestions and requests without thinking twice about it. In return, Garden makes sure that everyone around xem is doing well. Xe is quick to volunteer help to those in need, whether this means throwing xemself into battle with beasts many times xyr size, or just helping somebody with the laundry.

Garden has an interest in clothing design, both in a beauty-way and in a cool-costumes-way. Ae loves to accentuate aer own beauty with various tasteful costume pieces paw-picked from the artisan's market. Ae also loves helping out with designing silly, campy fits for the theatre club.

Garden secretly also has an interest in both writing and acting, but xe mostly picked those up because xe idolized Locket when the two of them were little, so xe's still a beginner at both and not very good. Xe's having lots of fun, though, and one day, xe hopes xe'll be comfortable enough to share xyr hobbies with the world, even the ones xe's not very good at. Though xe is nervous at the prospect, xe knows deep down in xyr heart that the not-cats around xem would support xem and be happy for xem all the same.

specialFamily Tree

Garden grew up in Little Respite alongside aer littermate, Frostmorn. Ae was the biggest kitten in aer age range and was an early bloomer, contrasting Frostmorn, who was less than half aer size at birth, and took their sweet time with growing up. Since ae was little, Garden felt possessed with the need to look after the other kittens in town, and though ae was the same age as the others, ae ended up taking on a big sibling-like role for the others. Among the other kittens, ae was perceived as very smart, very beautiful, and very grown up, and even the rowdiest kittens would often try to earn aer attention and approval.

Despite xyr popularity, Garden struggled a little bit socially as a kid - even as the others grew older and gained identities of their own, xe felt stuck in the role of role model, and xe had a hard time connecting with the other kittens as equals. One day, however, Locket, a young adolescent, arrived in Little Respite, and Garden immediately latched on to it. Locket was fascinating to Garden; a little older than xem, and preoccupied with crafts and ideas that felt very deep and very important to xyr developing kitten mind. Locket in turn was happy to get to be the cool older friend to someone. Together, they founded Little Respite's theatre club. While setting up the club, they also ended up hanging out with Chicken Jr., who was interested in joining in as a script writer. In the meantime, the confidence Garden had gained from befriending Locket gave xem the courage to confront the other kittens about putting xem on a pedestal all the time, which resulted in Princess deciding to stop idolizing xem and make an effort to become a true friend instead. Suddenly, Garden was surrounded by friends! Xyr days of being isolated and alone seemed so far away, and xe was excited for every new day spent with xyr wonderful pals.

However, while Garden was finally beginning to truly thrive, aer beloved Frostmorn began to take on certain ... concerning interests.

Throughout their life, the two of them were in close contact with their parent, Clay's, side of the family, but they had only ever heard rumors and whispers about Goldmoon's past. Frostmorn began to take an interest in insects; they would regularly ask Noon - the village bug enthusiast - about facts and information on them. They began to research obscure folk tales at the library. Though their family tried again and again to dissuade their interest in the hidden village of Bugsville, they brushed off their concerns. No one quite understands why Frostmorn became so fixated on the place. Maybe they longed for rebellion, to forge their own identity from the heritage Goldmoon rejected. Maybe they hoped to be able to connect with the family they had never met in ways they could not with the ones they knew.

One night, Frostmorn packed their bags and left a note for their family promising they would be back from their adventure very soon. Then they snuck out and headed for the road.

Sensing something was wrong, Garden woke up, and when xe looked around the house to see if anything was amiss, xe found Frostmorn's note. As quickly as xe could, ae rushed to catch up to them outside, and xe questioned why in the world they would do this, and what would their parents think - Goldmoon would be scared half to death! But Frostmorn explained that they couldn't move on with their life until they knew more about where their parent came from. It was with a heavy heart that Garden decided if they were going, xe had no choice but to go as well. Someone had to look after Frostmorn ... No amount of new friends could change the fact that to Garden, they were the most important thing in the world.

Garden returned home to quickly pack aer bags, but because ae was so distraught, ae got clumsy and made too much noise. Goldmoon and Clay woke up and came to see what on Not-Earth was going on, and Garden, absolutely miserable, broke down and confessed what had happened.

Thankfully, xyr parents weren't angry. "If this is something Frostmorn needs to do," Clay said, "then it's something they need to do." But they would not let Garden go with them; Garden was to stay home, finish xyr education, spend time with xyr new friends, commit to xyr new club and new interests, and focus on xemself for once. Clay would go in xyr stead - Frostmorn would not be alone.

Though Garden was terribly worried for both Frostmorn and Clay, Goldmoon was able to convince aer to trust in Clay's ability to keep the both of them safe. It was no use worrying, and Garden had a wonderful adolescence ahead of aerself to enjoy. Choosing to trust in aer parents, Garden willed aerself to have faith in Frostmorn's safe return.

Social circle: [Baby Nation]

- Frostmorn: Garden's littermate. The two are the best of friends, and Garden especially thinks the world of Frostmorn. Though Frostmorn envies Garden's intellect, grace and popularity, Garden in turn wishes ae had Frostmorn's sense of humor and ability to easily connect with others emotionally. Though they are the same age and Frostmorn is the stronger of the two, Garden is always looking out for them, ready to lay down aer life to protect them if need be.

- Locket: A friend. Garden greatly admirers Locket's analytical skills and eye for deeper things in life. It helps Garden understand the world and aer own emotions better. In turn, it's nice for Locket to have someone around who truly respects it and takes its ideas seriously. Garden developed feelings for Locket shortly after meeting it when they were little, and ae has pined after it ever since, though far too shy to confess.

- Amberbug: Garden's rival since childhood. When they were little, Amberbug used to envy Garden's popularity, while Garden disliked Amberbug for being rude and causing mischief. However, over time, their dislike has softened a great deal, as they've both realized that the other has struggled with loneliness, and how much they have in common at the end of the day. Garden is one of the not-cats Amberbug tends to flirt with the most, but Garden has feelings for Locket, so ae politely turns her down each time ... Although ae would be lying if ae said ae didn't feel some sort of way about aer childhood nemesis.

- Princess: A childhood friend. Princess was Garden's first true friend aer own age. She used to look up to Garden a great deal and wanted to be just like aer. However, Garden eventually made it clear that being put on a pedestal by the other kittens so much just made aer feel lonely. Since then, Princess has tried very hard to treat aer like any other friend, and to truly understand and be there for aer when ae needs her ... Although it's still kind of hard not to envy aer kindness and grace.

- Chicken Jr.: Another childhood friend. The two of them only really started talking to each other when Garden and Locket founded the theatre club, but despite their differences, it turned out they got along wonderfully. Chicken Jr. grew up looked down upon by the other kittens in the village, while Garden was looked up to, and yet they were both equally friendless for most of their childhoods. Now that they have each other, the past doesn't feel so heavy to bear.

- Goldmoon and Clay: Garden's parents. Garden has always looked up to both of them a great deal and tried to imitate them, wanting to do them proud. Meanwhile, the two of them have always felt like Garden put too much pressure on aerself, and so they both take a little extra care of Garden in turn. Goldmoon was aer teacher during aer school years, but since Garden did well in school and Frostmorn needed extra care, ae unfortunately didn't get to have as much special treatment as Goldmoon in hindsight felt ae should have been entitled to. When Frostmorn left home to travel during their adolescence, Goldmoon had the opportunity to make up for the time lost with Garden, however, and in Frostmorn and Clay's absence, the two became not only supportive family, but also dear friends to one another.

  • Part of the village's first batch of beans.
  • Likes aer berry picking bucket very much.
  • Absolutely huge during tiny kittenhood, over a full pound heavier than the second-largest kitten of aer generation, and over twice as heavy as aer littermate; this fit well with developing a "protective" personality.
  • Aer school teacher was aer own parent, Goldmoon.
  • Made rivals with Amberbug in late young kittenhood.
  • Made aer friends with Locket during kittenhood, because it seemed healthy for Garden to spend time with someone a bit more mature than aerself and aer peers, while Locket needed the comfort and confidence-boost of a friend who was a bit younger.
  • Made aer first same-aged friend, Princess, just two days before adolescence.
  • Grew up on winter 30th, year 9, and went traveling on the same day.
  • [C][NS][SS][BBFD3][NNPT][YN2C][AC][BL]

  • Pair with Locket.

Currently Wearing: [Custom] Long Snowy-White Wig #6854, Right Not-Holly Headpiece #2219

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