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Nestor's Wood ★

Note: This not-cat is currently out traveling the world!

Not-cat with a brown mackerel shorthair coattan mackerel trade markingsbib & boots white markings content eyes. Blue WheelchairWhite Butterfly Swarm
Trade Wind [they/them]
Jovial Personality
Undiscovered Aspect

Physical Traits
Basic Data:
Summer 16, Year 9
Adult (0 Years)
Born in Nestor's Wood
ID Code:
13 lbs. / 5.9 kg
Brown-Tan Watercolor
White Marks:
Bib & Boots / C3
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
[ Unknown Genetic String ]
Personality Traits
Jovial Personality:
Held Trinket:
Crumpled Paper Ball
[Agility +1]
Crumpled Paper Ball
Attributes and Occupations
Day Job: Unassigned
Adventuring Class: Unassigned















Very Good










Very Good










Very Good















Very Good










Very Good










Very Good

The Mayor is currently providing the following effects to this cat:
+1 Strength, +1 Perception, & +1 Bravery.
Chobani - Best Friend
Marble - Friend
Ashrain - Rival
Garden - Littermate
Fayne ◼️~ - Cousin
Lyon - Cousin
Sandstorm - Cousin
Weshin - Cousin
❖St. Murodi - Cousin
Spruce - Cousin
Honeybee - Cousin
Kilyne - Cousin
Wilhelmine - Cousin
Beate - Cousin
Durwell - Cousin
Valynard - Cousin
Boaldelr - Cousin
Lily - Good Cousin
Poppy - Good Cousin
Daisy - Good Cousin
Daffodil - Good Cousin
Chamomile - Good Cousin
Myrtle - Good Cousin
Foxglove - Good Cousin
Camel Cricket - Good Pibling
Finn - Good Pibling
AniseSwallowtail - Grandparent
Io Moth - Grandparent
Ulli - Grandparent
Gundula - Grandparent
Goldmoon - Parent
Clay - Parent
Willi - Pibling
❖St. Griskie - Pibling
᠅ Bluey - Pibling
Margarete - Pibling
Snowdrop - Pibling
Krazi - Pibling
Ehrwald - Pibling
Park - Pibling
Isolde - Pibling
Chili - Pibling
Olive - Pibling

A very silly not-cat who loves attention and making friends. Frostmorn takes life as it comes and doesn't sweat the small stuff. They have a tendency to assume everyone around them feels the same way they do deep down, even those who seem serious or grumpy on the surface, so sometimes they make enemies without meaning to.

They love to play pranks, and they've memorized an impressive amount. They are famous in Little Respite for the sheer amount of creativity and effort they put into their practical jokes. If work gets too boring, they're quick to start thinking up schemes that'll liven up the work day a bit.

Somewhat concerningly, Frostmorn has a bit of a fixation regarding insects. It seems the rumors about where their parent, Goldmoon, originally hails from have made their way to Frostmorn's ears. They claim they're only curious about their heritage and they won't do anything rash, but Goldmoon fears xyr little moth may be headed for the very same flame that once nearly set xem ablaze ...

Frostmorn was born with a spine abnormality that causes problems with the strength and coordination of their back legs. Though it doesn't hurt and they can technically walk around okay on their own, their wheelchair improves their mobility significantly.

specialFamily Tree

Frostmorn was born in Little Respite, and grew up alongside their littermate, Garden. They were a bean full of beans, always eager to play with the other kittens. Garden, by contrast, was calm and responsible, and acted as something of an older sibling figure to both Frostmorn and the other kittens. Although Frostmorn relished in being babied and cared for by their littermate, they were sometimes a little jealous of the other kittens for also being babied by aer, and in turn also jealous of Garden aerself, as the others came to look up to aer a great deal. It would take them a long time to realize that of all the kittens in Little Respite, Garden treasured Forstmorn the most by far.

Throughout their childhood, it seemed Frostmorn had everything on easy street. Between loving parents and a highly devoted littermate, they always had someone in their corner. They had a best friend in Chobani, and despite all their pranks and goofing off, they were well-regarded by the other kittens, partially because they were always lots of fun and partially because they were related to Garden. When they started school, many worried they would not be able to remain focused in class ... but of course, the school teacher was their own parent, Goldmoon, who knew exactly how to help them learn, and Frostmorn cruised through school no problem.

However, as they entered adolescence, they began to take on certain ... concerning interests.

Throughout their life, they were in close contact with their parent, Clay's, side of the family, but they had only ever heard rumors and whispers about Goldmoon's past. Frostmorn began to take an interest in insects; they would regularly ask Noon - the village bug enthusiast - about facts and information on them. They began to research obscure folk tales at the library. Though their family tried again and again to dissuade their interest in the hidden village of Bugsville, they brushed off their concerns. No one quite understands why Frostmorn became so fixated on the place. Maybe they longed for rebellion, to forge their own identity from the heritage Goldmoon rejected. Maybe they hoped they had family somewhere that was a little more like themself.

One night, Frostmorn packed their bags and left a note for their family promising they would be back from their adventure very soon. Then they snuck out and headed for the road.

Sensing something was wrong, Garden woke up, and when xe looked around the house to see if anything was amiss, xe found Frostmorn's note. As quickly as xe could, ae rushed to catch up to them outside, and xe questioned why in the world they would do this, and what would their parents think - Goldmoon would be scared half to death! But Frostmorn explained that they couldn't move on with their life until they knew more about where their parent came from. With a heavy heart, Garden decided if they were going, xe was going too.

Garden returned home to quickly pack aer bags, but because ae was so distraught, ae got clumsy and made too much noise. Goldmoon and Clay woke up and came to see what on Not-Earth was going on, and Garden, absolutely miserable, broke down and confessed what had happened.

Thankfully, xyr parents weren't angry. "If this is something Frostmorn needs to do," Clay said, "then it's something they need to do." But they would not let Garden go with them; Garden was to stay home, finish xyr education, spend time with the new friends xe had made lately, commit to the new hobbies xe'd recently taken up, and focus on xemself for once. Clay would go in xyr stead - Frostmorn would not be alone.

And so Frostmorn left home for the very first time, side-by-side with Clay, to investigate the myths and stories surrounding that mystical village deep in Nestor's wood, where the not-cats move like skittering insects, and worship strange gods.

Social circle: [Baby Nation]

- Chobani: Frostmorn's childhood friend, and one of their closest companions. They have a very silly friendship and often play practical jokes on each other. Frostmorn brings out the slight mischievous streak Chobani otherwise hides so well, and the two can easily stay up all night getting funny on watermeowlon juice and partying together.

- Garden: Frostmorn's littermate. The two are the best of friends, and Garden especially thinks the world of Frostmorn. Though Frostmorn envies Garden's intellect, grace and popularity, Garden in turn wishes ae had Frostmorn's sense of humor and ability to easily connect with others emotionally. Though they are the same age and Frostmorn is the stronger of the two, Garden is always looking out for them, ready to lay down aer life to protect them if need be.

- Frostmorn: Another rival since childhood, though it has become quite good-natured over time. Ashrain used to envy Frostmorn's ability to cruise through school while barely putting in any effort, until ae realized that it was probably because the teacher was Frostmorn's parent, who of course knew exactly how to help xyr own child do well in school despite aer terrible work ethic. The two of them still antagonize each other on the regular and will compete over the silliest things, but there's no real animosity behind it anymore. Because Frostmorn is best friends with Chobani, them and Ashrain often make "I hate my in-law" jokes about each other.

- Goldmoon and Clay: Frostmorn's parents. They both treated Frostmorn with a lot of patience and kindness growing up, and they were very paws-on about teaching them things in a way they found fun and exciting. Goldmoon was their teacher during their school years, and because xe knew them so well, they were able to do excellent in school, despite their low dedication. They will also always be grateful to Clay for coming with them on their travels during their adolescence. Though Frostmorn has grown independent over the years and they don't spend much time with their parents anymore, they know the two of them will always be there for them when they need them, and Goldmoon and Clay know they're always welcome to come bother Frostmorn for attention anytime if they miss them.

- Clay's side of the family: Frostmorn has loads of piblings and cousins on Clay's side of the family, and they've been close with them since they were a kitten. When they go traveling, they always make sure to visit any family members who live in nearby villages along the way!

- Goldmoon's side of the family: Though they are the source of much curiosity for Frostmorn, they have never met their family on Goldmoon's side. Since the village they live in is only ever spoken of in folk tales, this does not appear to be changing anytime soon.

  • Part of the village's first batch of beans.
  • Less than half the size of their littermate as a young kitten.
  • Had very poor strength, agility and finesse as a young kitten, inspiring the use of a wheelchair.
  • Made friends with Chobani in very early young kittenhood; the first friendship outside of litters of their generation.
  • I initially did not plan to send them to school because of their extremely low dedication, but ultimately decided to try anyway; they were the only one who did not get a dedication-boosting trinket, because I ran out, and decided to lean into their slacker vibe.
  • Was unexpectedly off to a fantastic start in school, gaining stat boosts for the first three days straight.
  • Their school teacher was aer own parent, Goldmoon, which adds a dimension to them unexpectedly being good at school - xe knew exactly how to teach them!
  • Made rivals with Ashrain in early kittenhood, right after they both went to school and Frostmorn got all those stat boosts, creating a fun narrative when contrasted with Ashrain's high dedication and curious nature.
  • Dropped out of school a few days into their adolescence in order to go traveling in search of information about Goldmoon's hometown, accompanied by Clay.
  • Grew up on winter 30th, year 9, when they officially turned back from their search.
  • Met up with their childhood friends on the way home and chose to join them for their trip, while Clay went home.
  • [C][NS][SL][BBFF2][YNTT][YY3C][CA][BL]

  • None.

Currently Wearing: Blue Wheelchair #3334, White Butterfly Swarm #670

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