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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a aprico mackerel shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Lightwood SwordLightwood Bark ArmorLightwood Bark ShieldLeaf Fossil Necklace
North Wind [they/them]
Pleasant Personality
Undiscovered Aspect

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Physical Traits
Basic Data:
Spring 44, Year 2
Adult (7 Years)
Migrated from Earth
ID Code:
15 lbs. / 6.8 kg
Apricot Standard
White Marks:
Classic Bicolor / C5
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
[ Unknown Genetic String ]
Personality Traits
Pleasant Personality:
Held Trinket:
Glittering Geode
[Luck +3]
Glittering Geode
Attributes and Occupations
Day Job: Fisher (+6 Skill)
Gatherer Level 1 [40/140 EXP]
Fisher Level 4 [290/1120 EXP]
Adventuring Class: Ranger
Ranger Level 4 [Maximum Level]










Very Good





Very Good






























Very Good





Very Good





















The Mayor is currently providing the following effects to this cat:
+1 Perception, & +2 Bravery.
Bess - Partner
Blair - Friend
Larch - Friend
Acornpelt - Friend
Elm - Friend
Coriander - Friend
Sno - Friend
Justine - Rival
teacher - Rival
Acalia - Child
Ivory - Child
Odette - Child
Lilybeth - Child
Lune - Grandchild

Serian had an.. attachment, yes, that's the word, to Bess.

They were currently working on getting over that now, the two of them were walking together, their tail dragging over the lovely snow ground.

"Hey, Bess," They sneered. They were gonna get their- no, Bess isn't theirs- the younger to chase them.

"What?" The mentioned cat asked, flicking his own in reply, ears flattening at the screech of a bird close to them.

"I challenge you to a race to the cliffs!" They challenged, crouching lower to the snow, letting it drag on their belly fur, before dashing forwards, the frozen water collecting on the fluff there, but it was impossible to notice among the white hairs.

Bess seemed confused, before letting out a yowl. "You freaking-" They heard him say, and they held back a snicker.


Serian leaped cleanly over the rock, landing perfectly before sitting down, draping their thin tail over their paws, now drenched with water from the snow melting.

Bess followed shortly after, clumsily collapsing on a slope of the boulder, rolling down.

When the other stilled, he was right by them.

Serian had to stop themself from bending down and nuzzling their crush's friend's cheek, but they held back, pulling their paws further towards their stomach.

"Stars, Serian!" Bess whined, shifting onto his belly. "You didn't have to run off!"

They chuckled. Stars, how beautiful Bessy was.

"It's your fault for not being fast, Bessy!" They purred, and they couldn't not see the way the younger's cheeks grew pinker, if only a little, and the way he smiled.

The other shook his head.

"Serian, that's so mean. Are you calling me slow?" He asked with a tilt of his neck.

They blinked, before snickering.

"How dare you accuse me of such foul play? I would never, Bessy!" Serian slurred the end as they attempted to not purr louder then the silent hum deep inside their chest.

The mentioned cat turned away, likely in an attempt to stop them from seeing the blush that very obviously climbed their face.

But Serian could see.

They reached out, nudging his shoulder carefully.

"Hey, the sun's setting!" They purred finally, with their mouth now opened. "Let's watch!"

They gently sliced a sharp spike from the rose's stems, ensuring that they didn't place their paw on it as they stood up, moving towards herbs and fruits that seemed about ready.

They paused and perked their ears at the sound, turning their gaze.

Bess was there, crouched, tail lashing almost instinctively, and the way his hips swayed seemed to indicate that he had no idea.

They watched as he leaped onto a stump, stumbling for a couple heart beats before digging his claws into the soft wood- if the glint and the way it sunk down- before ripping them up and soaring over the gap, landing onto another.

The way Bess's fur shifted wonderfully made Serian flush slightly. Stars, he was beautiful.

Bess suddenly slipped after a few more leaps, landing almost cruelly onto a shoulder.

His head rose, and landed on them, and they narrowed their eyes.

"Bessy, what are you doing?" They asked, nose twitching and tail flicking.

They watched as their crush friend shrugged, pushing himself up before turning to jump to and from stumps.

It seemed fun, and Serian was disappointed that they couldn't join in, returning to gently picking herbs, fruits and berries.

First, they had been given Acalia, the 19 day old bean, by Nestor.

"Serian, are you sure you are capable of caring for this young?" Nestor asked.

"Yes." They replied.

"Then, I intrust you with her. Her name is Acalia, and she is of the South wind. You will be her father figure, and I hope she grows up to be as pleasant as you."

And now, here they were, paw holding the bean down as he fixed up some fur, and their tail ever-so-gently brushing up against their crush's friend's own.

Bess then sang a sweet nothing to them, and they couldn't help the way their cheeks grew warm.

They really hoped Bess couldn't see it.

They turned to face him before sing-songing a compliment about how absolutely divine Bess's fur looked today.

They heard the other swallow.

The two continued these back handed attempts at flirting, before Serian full on shuffled closer- keeping Acalia under their paw- and pressed their nose into Bess's neck fur.

The warmth that flooded their face was divine.

"Bessy," They tried, voice cracking slightly as saliva caught in their throat.

Stars, this was hard.

"W-will you be my.. friend..?"

They felt Bess's body tense, and they held back a purr as a tail curled around their own.

"Of course." They felt Bess shift, before stuffing his own face into their neck fur.

The quickened heartbeat of the other made them shuffle slightly, hopefully unnoticeably.

They reached over, placing a paw onto Bess's back.

The three stayed like that, and they soon felt Acalia fall asleep under his paw.

As Bess fell limp, seemingly asleep, they let out a sigh.

"I love you, Bessy."

They had to hold back the loud purr that wanted to escape their chest.

Bess had his face tucked into their fur, whining and groaning and complaining about the new rule set in place that morning.

They had a paw wrapped skilfully around Bessy's neck, and they were aware of the small heartbeat coming from under their claws.

"I keep telling them it's a stupid rule!" Bess snarled. "How else are we meant to go adventuring for days upon days?"

Serian sniffled. They had a cold from staying out in the rain for a bit too long the other night.

"I mean, the rule is probably for our safety. I would much rather not see my friends come home injured because they didn't see the need to come back."

Bess dug his claws into the soft soil, making Serian's fur raise a little. They wanted to snuggle up to him, and tell him everything was going to be fine.

"That just makes it worse! What if we're a full day's away from the village by the time night fall comes? We'll be in trouble! Because we were adventuring! I can't believe it!" He snarled, tail lashing.

Acalia whined, making Serian glance down to the bean.

They then looked to Bessy.

Before extending her to him.

They watched as his future lover friend took the kitten in his claws, before rasping his tongue over the bean's face, the said Alacia squeaking out in anger.

Serian rested their head on his back.

"You'd be a great father to her." They whispered, with no intent for Bessy to hear- no, that would be horrible, Bessy would think they're weird- tail curling happily. They loved Bess so much.

Sunce, Blair, Splash and Larch were coming home today.

Serian was zoning out. They had planned to confess to Bess, just before the other four came back.

A tail wrapped around their own, and they finally noticed Acalia whining.

They glanced towards Bessy's face, and they watched as he flinched, and their gaze softened.

"Bessy, can I... tell you something, just before the others get here?"

Their crush narrowed their eyes, before nodding. "Of course. I wouldn't refuse, Serian."

They sucked in a breath, and they reached over to brush their paw over the other's.

"Promise me your opinion on me won't change after I say this."

Bess chuckled awkwardly.

"I mean it depends on what you say, but I'll try..!"

They sighed, before shuffling closer, sucking in another, much stiffer, breath.

"Bessy, I.." They swallowed. "I love you."

Silence then enveloped the two, and they were struck with shame.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I'll go-"

"I love you too."

Serian fell quiet, eyes landed on Bess, wide and shocked.

Did he just confess to them?

"You do?"

"Did you not mean what you said?" Bess replied, an ear flicking.

They rushed forth, pressing their nose against his.

"Thank you!"

"I- You're welcome?"

"I'm going to love you forever and ever and ever!" They purred loudly, pushing their face roughly against the other's, the other being pushed backwards from the force, and letting out a slightly displeased noise.


Currently Wearing: Lightwood Sword #2617, Lightwood Bark Armor #2615, Lightwood Bark Shield #2616, Leaf Fossil Necklace #469

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