site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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TOPIC | [CLOSED] mep's art market

Not-cat with a orange mink longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. [Custom] Background - Desert DuskLight Ear ScarsTiger Lily Petal Whirl[Custom] Tasty StrawDried Grass HatRed Geometric Shawl




account age 7/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:23:10
@kishinyu omg thank you sm for the details again! i have no problem putting the kids in there, but due to the space of the canvas i'd probably just include 1. unless you want a slightly bigger canvas to accommodate! otherwise, i'd just ask for maybe 600n :p

@tomo sure thing!

Not-cat with a orange mink longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. [Custom] Background - Desert DuskLight Ear ScarsTiger Lily Petal Whirl[Custom] Tasty StrawDried Grass HatRed Geometric Shawl




account age 7/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:23:20
closing for now ty everyone!!!!

Not-cat with a red mink longhair coatginger mink trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes. [Custom] Grass Mat[Custom] Winter CloakOrange Glitterdust


๐’๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐


account age 8/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:24:05
thank you!!! sending 500n! feels
UTC (-4)
Not-cat with a aprico clouded shorthair coattan clouded trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings right eyes. Light Ear ScarsLight Left Eye ScarIron ArmorLight Tail ScarsBlue Geometric ShawlIron KneepadsForget-me-not Tail CorsageHardwood SwordHardwood Bark ArmorHardwood Bark ShieldBlue Fish on HeadRight Forget-me-not Headpiece



account age 6/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:30:45
@thing I'd be fine with a larger canvas if you'd be comfortable with it! (Keeping the canvas size as-is with one child is also okay!) feels


the children yearn
for the shores

Not-cat with a orange mink longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. [Custom] Background - Desert DuskLight Ear ScarsTiger Lily Petal Whirl[Custom] Tasty StrawDried Grass HatRed Geometric Shawl




account age 7/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:33:14
@kishinyu i can totally do larger! though i may ask for a little more for more children/spaceblepperhaps even....... 800nfear

for the children, i'll do fossil and bronn!! if i have space i may even put one of your beans

Not-cat with a aprico clouded shorthair coattan clouded trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings right eyes. Light Ear ScarsLight Left Eye ScarIron ArmorLight Tail ScarsBlue Geometric ShawlIron KneepadsForget-me-not Tail CorsageHardwood SwordHardwood Bark ArmorHardwood Bark ShieldBlue Fish on HeadRight Forget-me-not Headpiece



account age 6/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:35:57
@thing Sounds perfect; thank you so much! cheer


the children yearn
for the shores

Not-cat with a silver lynxpoint shorthair coatsnow lynxpoint trade markingsbib & boots white markings content eyes. Red Cotton SocksDark Leather ShoesRed Cotton MantleRed Silk Tail BowBlack Striped ShawlRed Carnation Petal WhirlWalnut Glittersilk SashesDark Leather Cap




account age 6/9

Jun 5, 2024 23:40:23
Thank you so much! They're so cute; I love the pose you did, it captures their dynamic perfectly hug The background is also super cute, I love the snowy theme you did for it!
Pronoun button with cat head that says They/them
button with cat head that says wishlist
button with cat head that says art shop
button with cat head that says cat sales
drawing by kieren

|Bea โ™ซ
ยป made with love <3

Not-cat with a ginger lynxpoint shorthair coatorange lynxpoint trade markingsno white markings right eyes. Yellow Wool ScarfTasty Yellow WildflowerRed Carnation Petal WhirlTiger Lily Petal WhirlPink Carnation Petal WhirlRed Carnation Petal WhirlBlue Daisy Petal WhirlSunflower NecklaceDaisy Tail CorsageRound Violet-Tinted GlassesLeft Violet HeadpieceCrocus Petal Whirl




account age 7/9

Jun 6, 2024 12:57:41
oh i kept you waiting for so long i'm sorry weary
i was wondering if you could draw this fella? she's one silly kittycat wrapped in drink packages. the ref provides some of her lore, feel free to draw her as you'd like.
unused trainer sprite from gen 1 pokemon games
i'm june โ€ข please ping when replying! โ€ข prev. woods
Not-cat with a orange mink longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. [Custom] Background - Desert DuskLight Ear ScarsTiger Lily Petal Whirl[Custom] Tasty StrawDried Grass HatRed Geometric Shawl




account age 7/9

Jun 6, 2024 16:03:30
really embarrassing i didnt account for this but... i completely forgot i'm leaving for a trip TOMORROW for the weekend!fear i won't be able to work on any of your comms until monday. you don't need to reply (unless you're looking for a refund), i just want to let y'all know that it might take a little longer :)

@lightgoddess666 @kishinyu @tomo

Not-cat with a aprico clouded shorthair coattan clouded trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings right eyes. Light Ear ScarsLight Left Eye ScarIron ArmorLight Tail ScarsBlue Geometric ShawlIron KneepadsForget-me-not Tail CorsageHardwood SwordHardwood Bark ArmorHardwood Bark ShieldBlue Fish on HeadRight Forget-me-not Headpiece



account age 6/9

Jun 6, 2024 16:34:56
No worries at all; I hope you have lots of fun! cheer Thank you for the heads up!


the children yearn
for the shores

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