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TOPIC | Ven's Monthly Kitty GW for New Users (2)

Not-cat with a snow solid longhair coatno white markings left eyes. Rainbow Tulip Petal WhirlRainbow ConfettiUnnatural Rainbow Crown[Custom] Rainbow Stage FogHeart Bubble




account age 7/9

Jul 1, 2024 0:18:44
Hello hello!
Welcome to the SECOND monthly giveaway for new players!

These are pretty simple ;
Nestor gives me a lot of cats that I simply can't give enough love to, as well as many breeding outcomes from my personal projects. That being said, I'd love to share them with players who need more kitties / love the kitties i have to share!

Here are the REQUIRED rules!
▪︎ your account must be LESS THAN / EQUAL TO 3 months old
▪︎ you may enter for up to TWO CATS. (optional!)
▪︎ you may NOT enter if you have won the previous months giveaway.
▪︎ you MUST claim your kitty within 2 weeks if won, or your prize will be rerolled.
▪︎ you will not be counted if any of these rules are broken!

Kitties being given away this round:

All you have to do to enter is comment who you're entering for!

These giveaways will ALWAYS start on the first of the month, and end on the last.
I delete finished giveaways after prizes have been claimed, though i will also be marking each post with a number as well c:

Thats all ♡
Good luck, and see you at the end of the month!
-- Last edited on Jul 1, 2024 0:19:07
Not-cat with a beige broken longhair coatsnow broken trade markingsbib, ears, & belly white markings left eyes. Woven Grass ScarfRight Pink Carnation HeadpieceFalling Gold Crispleaves




account age 2/9

Jul 1, 2024 14:20:12
hi!! i'd love to enter for dandelion and wekmar!

» she/he/it
» PCE-2

Not-cat with a orange mackerel shorthair coataprico mackerel trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings content eyes. Orange Sunflower Petal WhirlOrange Sunflower CrownTasty Orange Sunflower


Whale Island

account age 3/9

Jul 1, 2024 14:25:19
can i enter for Tish and Clam please
Not-cat with a red lynxpoint shorthair coatginger lynxpoint trade markingsno white markings neutral eyes. Hardwood Bark ShieldDark Sheathed KnifeTasty Winter Leaf


Sunny Spot

account age 3/9

Jul 1, 2024 16:41:36
I'd like to enter for Wekmar and Tish please! cheer
Not-cat with a silver mink shorthair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings squint eyes. Blue Wildflower CrownCrocus Petal WhirlTasty Pink Carnation




account age 3/9

Jul 1, 2024 19:13:34
I would like to enter for Dandelion and Tranquility!
Not-cat with a snow mackerel shorthair coatspotted piebald / C7 white markings stern eyes. Light Back ScarsLight Ear ScarsUncut Sapphire Anklets[Custom] Shattered Glass Whirl[Custom] Starry Prop WingsDark Hunter's ScarfSapphire Geode NecklaceLight Left Eye ScarDark Sword




account age 3/9

Jul 1, 2024 19:30:31
Hi, I'd love to enter for Dandelion and Wekmar! Thank you so much for hosting this! feels
Not-cat with a choco broken shorthair coatbrown broken trade markingsnose, bib & boots white markings content eyes. Ribbons of PromiseCrown of Hope


Clarence Wendle Fans


account age 3/9

Jul 1, 2024 22:00:54
Hi there!

If it's alright, I'd love to enter for Dandelion! Thank you so much!!!
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