site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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TOPIC | username beasts [ CLOSED!

Not-cat with a grey classic shorthair coatcream classic trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Ribbons of PromiseRainbow Floating HeartRainbow Confetti


Sword's Landing


account age 8/9

Dec 2, 2022 2:29:30

alt text required


an art shop were i draw a little character design based off your username! sparkleparty
i also take prompts if you want more than one design~
  • designs will be in a similar style to the example above.
  • all designs will be of animals & creatures!
  • if you have a preference, please specify if you'd like the design to be quad/feral or anthro!

  • if submitting a design to Toyhouse, my username is the same as on here; swordstray!


design from username
wallet 300 - 500 notes

design from emojis / site items
wallet 500 - 800 notes

username order form
b]aesthetic preference(s):[/b]
[[/i]b]species preference?[/b]
b]anthro or quad?[/b]

prompt order form
b]aesthetic preference(s):[/b]
[[/i]b]species preference?[/b]
b]anthro or quad?[/b]
[[/i]b]prompt:[/b] please provide 3 emojis or cat's-end items' ID numbers via (using the [[i]item=]) & delete these instructions!
you can find item IDs via the site's item database!

Slots https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039905437706878976/1040019607261556827/swords.png 3 / 3
@bombsandbullets @Hybrid
-- Last edited on Mar 8, 2023 21:44:39
achilles he / thae/thaem/thaer / they / it server +0
alt text required
Not-cat with a grey classic shorthair coatcream classic trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Ribbons of PromiseRainbow Floating HeartRainbow Confetti


Sword's Landing


account age 8/9

Dec 2, 2022 2:50:57
-- Last edited on Dec 5, 2022 18:23:58
achilles he / thae/thaem/thaer / they / it server +0
alt text required
Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint longhair coatlocket & toes white markings stern eyes. Dark ScytheDark Skeletal BeadsDark Birdskull NecklaceTasty Black TulipDark Horned SkullBlack Tulip Tail CorsageDark Scavenged PendantsBlack Tulip Petal Whirl


The Reins of Time


account age 9/9

Dec 2, 2022 18:44:38
username: FeatheredLocust
aesthetic preference(s): Any
species preference? I kind of want to say "any" but considering my username... A locust if you're willing to do that! If you want a specific species idea, I think a High Plains Locust (Dissosteira longipennis) would be cool! Or if you can't do insects/locusts, you can do whatever!
anthro or quad? Anthro
cheer Locust/Polaris | Local null meow meow hoarder uwu
Read My Poems About My Lore! | Trade To Add To The Hoard!
Not-cat with a grey classic shorthair coatcream classic trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Ribbons of PromiseRainbow Floating HeartRainbow Confetti


Sword's Landing


account age 8/9

Dec 2, 2022 19:08:44
ooo, i haven't drawn many bugs, but this could be a fun challenge! i've already got some ideas in mind >:]
i'll mark you down for a slot, & should have something to show within the week or so!
achilles he / thae/thaem/thaer / they / it server +0
alt text required
Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket white markings neutral eyes. Dark Right Eye Scaraaaaaaaaaa




account age 8/9

Dec 2, 2022 22:29:59
username: Niceworld! (if that's difficult, though, my UN on a few other sites is Deathcard!)
aesthetic preference(s): idk, anything goes!
species preference? I'm a big fan of dragons, anthro bugs, or deer!
anthro or quad? Either is good, but I prefer more monster/creature-aligned if quad! Anything goes for anthro though :] have fun!!!

writingWant notes? Got art? Message Me with your prices... I will pay you.flames
Not-cat with a cream solid longhair coatbib & boots white markings left eyes. Thyme GarlandIntersex ScarfLeft Green Fantail Pigeon FriendRound Green-Tinted GlassesLight ScytheGreen Dianthus Petal WhirlGreen Lakeweed MantleUncut Emerald Spines




account age 8/9

Dec 3, 2022 14:11:23
username: minty!!
aesthetic preference(s): not really sure how to describe my aesthetic nervous generally anything on my pintrest is what i find cool (tw for scopophobia and some body horror!!)
species preference? anything, but im partial to lynx/pigeons/angels lol
anthro or quad? up to you!!!

» minty
» he/him
» +1 pce

my artshop!
take a look at jinx
Not-cat with a grey classic shorthair coatcream classic trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Ribbons of PromiseRainbow Floating HeartRainbow Confetti


Sword's Landing


account age 8/9

Dec 3, 2022 21:24:44
oo, this'll be an interesting challenge! i'll use the secondary username if i get really stumped~
got your slot marked!

!! OOO accepted! i've already got some design ideas cheer
achilles he / thae/thaem/thaer / they / it server +0
alt text required
Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket white markings neutral eyes. Dark Right Eye Scaraaaaaaaaaa




account age 8/9

Dec 3, 2022 23:35:33
Yippee! Let me know how many notes to send & I'll get them sent to you right away ^^

writingWant notes? Got art? Message Me with your prices... I will pay you.flames
Not-cat with a grey classic shorthair coatcream classic trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Ribbons of PromiseRainbow Floating HeartRainbow Confetti


Sword's Landing


account age 8/9

Dec 5, 2022 18:20:20
aannnddd, here's your lil' beast cheer
this guy was actually a blast to draw, i had a surprising amount of fun with the feather-detailing~
price is gonna be 400 notes since this wasn't quite as complicated as i thought it would be teehee

achilles he / thae/thaem/thaer / they / it server +0
alt text required
Not-cat with a tan lynxpoint longhair coatsnow lynxpoint trade markingsno white markings sleepy eyes. Yellow Wildflower CrownYellow Heart Leg WrapsYellow Heart ScarfSunflower Tail CorsageRainbow Floating Heart


Land of Tooties


no user role

Dec 5, 2022 18:30:31
kind of curious abt this, if i you're interested can i get a ping when ur open again?
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