site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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TOPIC | Marx's Geneticist/Spreadsheet Services

Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsPurple Cotton MantleSilver BubblesRed Silk BowtieRainbow Moustache


Imaginaton Town

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Mar 6, 2023 16:03:16
There's been a few posters hung up around the forest...
Do you want to unlock the mysteries of your genetic code, but can't afford a family tree?
Does the thought of painstakingly determining your genes yourself make you want to pull your fur out?
Do you love organization, but hate filling out spreadsheets?

Then come on down to Marx's Geneticist/Spreadsheet Service!
Our talented crew of one will determine and organize all most of your not-cats' genetic coding using the latest methods!
Find us in the "Item Sale" section of the forums!

Our prices are:
10 Notes for a spreadsheet
+10 Notes per gene'd cat

[DISCLAIMER: Null winds are incapable of being gene'd. We are also incapable of determining growth rates. Compatibility with not-not-cats is unavailable until that's implemented to the game.]

Huh. Maybe you should check it out, if that sounds like something you'd need.
We are OPEN!

This is what it sounds like; I'll gene and organize your not-cats (using Apocracy's cool and helpful spreadsheet) to the best of my ability.

The base price for a spreadsheet is 10 notes, plus 10 notes per not-cat I gene (this means that if you're a returning customer, you just have to pay 10 notes per cat you want gene'd!). I'll also accept trades for items or cats, though that'll be on a case by case basis since I don't currently have a wishlist. I'll accept offers done on this thread, or through DMs.

I'll send the finished sheet to your DMs once I'm done, where you can make a copy and save for your own use.

A sample of what it'll look like when I'm done is here, featuring my own not-cats!

Thank you for your time, and I look forwards to doing business!
-- Last edited on Apr 25, 2023 23:18:03
oh hey this thing comes in different fonts
I'm in EST!
Need your cats gene'd? I can help with that!
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsPurple Cotton MantleSilver BubblesRed Silk BowtieRainbow Moustache


Imaginaton Town

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Mar 6, 2023 16:03:36
Reserved, Just in case
oh hey this thing comes in different fonts
I'm in EST!
Need your cats gene'd? I can help with that!
Not-cat with a ginger lynxpoint longhair coatlocket & toes white markings content eyes. Wine Dianthus CrownDark Sunflower NecklaceDark Sunflower Petal WhirlWine Dianthus Tail Corsage


Lockholm Sanctuary


account age 8/9

Mar 7, 2023 13:53:18
HAH this is hilarious I was just thinking of starting a shop thing for this
a small, pixel animation of Basil, a grey/silver lynxpoint with a blue flower crown and amethyst necklace, with leaves falling around xem
Willow She/Her -- Art by @/Lokes
writingArt/Lore Sales! ~|~ Clothing and Decor Shop
Fine with any PMs and Pings
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsPurple Cotton MantleSilver BubblesRed Silk BowtieRainbow Moustache


Imaginaton Town

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Mar 7, 2023 15:10:48
Hah, sorry for beating you to the punch!
oh hey this thing comes in different fonts
I'm in EST!
Need your cats gene'd? I can help with that!
Mercat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatpink lynxpoint tailnose, bib & boots white markings uwu eyes. Ribbons of PromiseRainbow Confetti




account age 7/9

Mar 7, 2023 22:43:57
I'd like to try, can you do my cats Darby and Opal?
Would that be 30?
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsPurple Cotton MantleSilver BubblesRed Silk BowtieRainbow Moustache


Imaginaton Town

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Mar 7, 2023 23:03:53
@DeeryLou It would be! If you send a gift for the notes, I'll do the sheet and DM it to you when I'm done, which should be pretty quickly given that there's only 2 cats.
oh hey this thing comes in different fonts
I'm in EST!
Need your cats gene'd? I can help with that!
Not-cat with a snow mink shorthair coatspotted piebald / C7 white markings sleepy eyes. Silver Glitterdust[Custom] Silver Celestial CometsScarf of Dreams


𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼


account age 8/9

Mar 9, 2023 12:52:30
@MarxTrashhi, could you gene these two cats? laughing
-- Last edited on Mar 9, 2023 15:08:38
Not-cat with a charc rosette shorthair coatgrey rosette trade markingslocket & toes white markings uwu eyes. Light Front Leg ScarsLight Right Eye ScarLight Back Leg ScarsLight Tail ScarsLight Back ScarsForget-me-not Petal WhirlLight Ear Scars




account age 7/9

Mar 9, 2023 14:04:04
A silvery gray Notcat walks up to the sign and reads it over once... twice... thrice... "Genetics..? Spreadsheets?! What in the world...?? Hm... Might have to check that out I suppose..."


Ok, now that the silliness is out of the way, laughing Do you have a limit for how many you're willing to do for a person at a time? Because... i'd like to have my whole clowder done. lookleft

There's technically 23 Notcats, but 2 are unborn babies (so they don't count) and 1's a young kitten (does that mean she doesn't count or can you do young kittens? is it adult only?) - and one has already had theirs done? But oh Nestor i don't understand the string in their bio (i bought them off the recruitment board hehe). So... Maybe 19? Or 20 if the young kitten does count?

i'll give you 500 Notes. Or, tell me how many you prefer to do and i'll organize things and let you know whomst. hug
We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsPurple Cotton MantleSilver BubblesRed Silk BowtieRainbow Moustache


Imaginaton Town

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Mar 9, 2023 17:04:29
@Sprout Of course! That'll be 30 notes!

@kytten Don't worry at all about how many you have, I don't have any limits! Young kittens can be gene'd, so for 20 cats, you'd only need to pay 210 notes.

To both, just send a gift with the notes, and I'll start working on your sheets, and then I'll send you the sheet and accept the gift once I'm done.
oh hey this thing comes in different fonts
I'm in EST!
Need your cats gene'd? I can help with that!
Not-cat with a aprico lynxpoint longhair coattan lynxpoint trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings uwu eyes. Left Daisy HeadpieceBumblebees




account age 7/9

Mar 20, 2023 21:12:14
hello again! i was wondering if you'd be up for doing a few more of my cats. the cats in question:
Ezekiel, Lake, Bristle, Miriam, Angus, Kali, Zara
(Traveling) Quay, Orion, Iggy, Hyacinth, Marigold

you could just stick them onto the sheet you gave me before (or if its easier for you to just make a fresh sheet, no problem!) - whatever you'd prefer. i think that's 130 notes?
feels art shop [closed] + pixel shop [open]hug
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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?