site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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TOPIC | Draw the cat above you

Not-cat with a charc mackerel shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings squint eyes. Light Sheathed KnifeSilver CuffsGrey Geometric ShawlSquare GlassesForget-me-not NecklaceSilver Tail RingsRight Forget-me-not HeadpieceRainbow Confetti



(any pronouns)

account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 8:19:31
Draw the cat above you and post your own cat for the next person to draw! Any skill level is welcome! Quick doodles are preferred so that claimed posts don't go empty for days on end.

There's no guarantee you'll get art!! This is first and foremost a game thread, not a free commission thread. Still, please be courteous, don't ghost, don't claim an art piece if you're not sure you can deliver, etc. You can participate as many times as you want, but only after finishing your prior claim.

No self-depreciation. Every art is good art, and your skills will only grow!

To post your cat, use this code:

To post your art, you must first upload it to an image hosting site like Imgur or Discord. Then you grab the image link, it should have an image ending like .png or .jpg at the end, and you put that in this code:

If you wish to thank someone or comment on an art piece, write [skip me!] at the end of your post.

exclamation When editing a ping into a post, it doesn't actually send the ping panic

Be creative and have fun!

First cat:
-- Last edited on Feb 25, 2023 8:58:38
Not-cat with a orange rosette longhair coatbrown rosette trade markingsbib & boots white markings sleepy eyes. Dark Sunflower CrownTasty Thyme


chaos ✨


account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 10:10:02
@Zav https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858028990487986199/972503396248588348/flooof.png

for the next person:
-- Last edited on May 7, 2022 10:22:35
Not-cat with a aprico mackerel longhair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings stern eyes. Spring Leaf CloakWoven Grass Backpack


=^● ⋏ ●^=


account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 13:28:16
@god writing

For the next person;
-- Last edited on May 7, 2022 14:10:46
not-cat time +0
Not-cat with a black rosette longhair coatred rosette trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Golden BeetlesRight Sunflower HeadpieceUncut Amethyst AnkletsPurple Cotton Mantle




account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 17:06:16
@Ghostly one nervous kittie for you!

a headshot drawing of Ghost, a pale orange not-cat with darker orange stripes and an white nose/belly.  They are looking slightly up, and seem very nervous.  The background is an abstract desaturated purple scribble.<br />

For the next person:
an edit of the pixel cat end bases to look like Saturn and Eclipse.  Saturn is a small white cat, with a wavy pattern stretching from their front leg all the way down to the end of their tail.  All of their legs have a black gradient with star speckles, and their ears are tufted.  Eclipse is half yellow and half purple, with sun and moon patterns around her eyes and a tail that gradients from bright purple to orange.  They're both standing facing each other, bouncing up and down with a heart between them.
Not-cat with a aprico mackerel longhair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings stern eyes. Spring Leaf CloakWoven Grass Backpack


=^● ⋏ ●^=


account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 17:08:21
@possum aaa! she looks so cute! thank you! cryinghug

[skip me!!]
not-cat time +0
Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino white markings sleepy eyes. Lavender Dianthus CrownLavender Dianthus Tail Corsage[Custom] Lavender Butterfly MantleLavender Dianthus Petal Whirl[Custom] Best Friend Orchid Mantis


treasure town


account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 17:24:59
@possum happy

a digital headshot drawing of a dark gray cat with purple ears. their eyes are closed and a small purple heart is drawn next to them

next kitty
-- Last edited on May 7, 2022 17:57:30
Not-cat with a black rosette longhair coatred rosette trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Golden BeetlesRight Sunflower HeadpieceUncut Amethyst AnkletsPurple Cotton Mantle




account age 9/9

May 7, 2022 21:53:36
@spacialrift aaa they look so good, thank you so much cryinghugcryinghugcryinghugcryinghug
[skip me!]
an edit of the pixel cat end bases to look like Saturn and Eclipse.  Saturn is a small white cat, with a wavy pattern stretching from their front leg all the way down to the end of their tail.  All of their legs have a black gradient with star speckles, and their ears are tufted.  Eclipse is half yellow and half purple, with sun and moon patterns around her eyes and a tail that gradients from bright purple to orange.  They're both standing facing each other, bouncing up and down with a heart between them.
Not-cat with a red mackerel longhair coatblack mackerel trade markingslocket & toes white markings danger eyes. Dark Sheathed SwordRed Carnation Tail CorsageRed Carnation NecklaceSilver Firefly Buddies


Thorpe Park


account age 9/9

May 8, 2022 14:59:58
Let's take a shot at this!

Next Cat:
Not-cat with a almond mackerel longhair coatbeige mackerel trade markingsno white markings neutral eyes. Deminonbinary ScarfRound Yellow-Tinted GlassesGold CuffsYellow StarstruckLeft Periwinkle Headpiece


Sleebie Hollow


account age 9/9

May 8, 2022 21:54:54
It looked like two kitties had gone undrawn, so i doodled both of them! ^^ For @Spirit and @spacialrift !! A drawing of two cats, one cream, one black and white. The black and white cat is sleeping while the cream one looks away.

Next kitty !!
Not-cat with a aprico clouded shorthair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings stern eyes. Square SunglassesSquare SunglassesSquare SunglassesGold Tail RingsGold CuffsGay StreamersRainbow ConfettiRainbow MoustacheGay ScarfGold CrownButtercup GlitterdustFloating Rainbow Shards




account age 9/9

May 8, 2022 21:59:36
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vonchivad/images/a/a0/Aacat.png (does it work? my images are kinda sketchy rn)
sorry for my lack of ability to draw
-- Last edited on May 8, 2022 22:20:23
i'm trying my best
thank you for your patience
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