site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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TOPIC | [CLOSED] hana's artshop

Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint shorthair coatsmoke lynxpoint trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Light Leather Satchel BagTasty White LilyRight Sunflower HeadpieceYellow Carnation Petal Whirl


Lilypad Town

(any pronouns)

account age 6/9

Aug 12, 2023 0:32:40
welcome to my silly little shop!!

slots filled (3/3)

heyaa, new player here!!! i am very poor and require financial aid !!!
i take notes, cats, clothing, n accessories! :3
(LF light hunter boots atm)

taking 3 people at a time, otherwise i'd combust
also check out my gf's artshop!! :3


chibi - 100

bust - 200

half - 400

full - 800

+shading - 100

+accessory - 50 per

+additional character(s) - 100 per

i take payment after comms r done!!! :3


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-- Last edited on Aug 14, 2023 0:58:40
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bliss / hana / suiren
any pronouns , pst
artshop!! | my sweets
Not-cat with a choco clouded longhair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings right eyes. Dark QuiverHeavy Purple Wool ScarfCatmint GarlandCrown of ThymeLeft Violet HeadpieceViolet Petal WhirlViolet Tail CorsageRound Violet-Tinted Glasses


Morning Glory Grove


account age 7/9

Aug 12, 2023 0:43:54
your art is adorable!! if you're up to it, i'd love to get 2 chibis for these guys + shading pleading

if you're willing to take two more i'd also love these two, but if not then no worries at all! i don't wanna overwhelm you

i'll be paying in notes for the full price, but i'm totally willing to gift a few flower accessories since i have lots!
-- Last edited on Aug 12, 2023 0:44:20
art by smores
Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint shorthair coatsmoke lynxpoint trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Light Leather Satchel BagTasty White LilyRight Sunflower HeadpieceYellow Carnation Petal Whirl


Lilypad Town

(any pronouns)

account age 6/9

Aug 12, 2023 0:50:30
waaa ty!!! is there anything specific you want me to keep in mind while drawing the chibis? also do u want them separately or in one together?
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bliss / hana / suiren
any pronouns , pst
artshop!! | my sweets
Not-cat with a tan solid longhair coataprico solid trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings content eyes. [Custom] Moonlit Sea - CrimsonRound GlassesTasty Pink WildflowerRed Silk Tail BowRight Daisy HeadpieceRed Carnation Petal WhirlTasty SunflowerOrange Glitterdust


Silverpeak woods


account age 8/9

Aug 12, 2023 0:51:15
your art is adorable omg,,, pleading
could i get a shaded fullbody of ?

would also love two busts of
and if possible, but if not, no worries! Offering 2000n + 4 flower items of your choice :0 (let me know if you want me to send you my inventory so you can pick!)

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PCE -3
Dip | she/they
Fun dip snorter#7940
The bird flu? yea they tend to do that

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Not-cat with a choco clouded longhair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings right eyes. Dark QuiverHeavy Purple Wool ScarfCatmint GarlandCrown of ThymeLeft Violet HeadpieceViolet Petal WhirlViolet Tail CorsageRound Violet-Tinted Glasses


Morning Glory Grove


account age 7/9

Aug 12, 2023 0:53:58
maybe together and chasing each other with peppercorn in the front? as for specifics, feel free to do whatever you'd like and experiment! winking
art by smores
Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint shorthair coatsmoke lynxpoint trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Light Leather Satchel BagTasty White LilyRight Sunflower HeadpieceYellow Carnation Petal Whirl


Lilypad Town

(any pronouns)

account age 6/9

Aug 12, 2023 0:58:52
thank q thankq !!!
is there anything you want me to keep in mind while i do these?

thank you so much again!! ^__^
u can send the inventory pic once I've finished ur comms. :3
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bliss / hana / suiren
any pronouns , pst
artshop!! | my sweets
Not-cat with a silver solid shorthair coattrue piebald white markings sleepy eyes. Dried Grass HatRunestone TangleBlue DragonfliesTan Floral Leg WrapsTan Floral Tail Wrap


deep creek

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Aug 12, 2023 1:01:46
(saw 0/3 open mb) If a slots still open i'd love to get a fullbody of a character offsite if thats okay !
Character ref - here
the adult design (right) is what I'd like to see! I'd prefer if they are drawn w/o a happy expression, but anything besides that works

i'll pay with notes
Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint shorthair coatsmoke lynxpoint trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Light Leather Satchel BagTasty White LilyRight Sunflower HeadpieceYellow Carnation Petal Whirl


Lilypad Town

(any pronouns)

account age 6/9

Aug 12, 2023 1:04:20
i still got a slot open dw!! i'll keep ur request in mind while i draw! ^__^!!!!!
just making sure, you want flats w/ no shading?
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bliss / hana / suiren
any pronouns , pst
artshop!! | my sweets
Not-cat with a tan solid longhair coataprico solid trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings content eyes. [Custom] Moonlit Sea - CrimsonRound GlassesTasty Pink WildflowerRed Silk Tail BowRight Daisy HeadpieceRed Carnation Petal WhirlTasty SunflowerOrange Glitterdust


Silverpeak woods


account age 8/9

Aug 12, 2023 1:06:50
oh yeah, almost forgot to mention! first cat has a hair curl and a heart marking- all three have art in their bio, if it helps hug would you like me to send the notes now or later?

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PCE -3
Dip | she/they
Fun dip snorter#7940
The bird flu? yea they tend to do that

alt text required
Not-cat with a silver solid shorthair coattrue piebald white markings sleepy eyes. Dried Grass HatRunestone TangleBlue DragonfliesTan Floral Leg WrapsTan Floral Tail Wrap


deep creek

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Aug 12, 2023 1:07:13
I'll add on shading as well ! which would be 900n I think, and thank you ^^ I can pay whenever
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