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TOPIC | [Game] Pick a Door!

Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino white markings uwu eyes. [Custom] Silver Celestial Comets[Custom] Extra Crunchy JPEG[Custom] Sorrowful Tears[Custom] Silver Laurel Set[Custom] Sky Flower Deer Antlers Headband[Custom] SP24 - Winter Witch Dress[Custom] Falling Snowflake Whirl[Custom] SP24 - Winter Floral Border


ɴᴇꜱᴛᴏʀ'ꜱ ᴡᴏᴏᴅ


account age 8/9

Oct 22, 2023 23:13:03
Welcome to the Door Game! Here is how to play:

1. User will post 3 doors (either pictures or just descriptions).
2. Each will contain a small prize, but only one will contain a cat!
3. The next 3 people to comment will each choose a door (one that hasn't been chosen yet)
4. The user who chooses the cat door will be sent that cat and then they will host the next 3 doors!
5. The person who chooses the last available door will ping the poster of the doors so they know to reveal the results (edits don't ping!).

Some additional guidelines:

a) Give the user gifted a cat 24 hrs to post new doors before pinging them again; if they dont respond within another 12hrs, anyone can post a new set of doors.
b) If you win a cat and do not post a new set of doors, you might be disallowed from playing in the future (active after 3 strikes)
c) There is no minimum or maximum for gifts! It could be anything from a single rock to a heart of nestor.
d) Wait at least one full game before playing again!
e) If you're posting the results of your doors, please include the actual cat that youre gifting so we can ensure it was actually sent! example:

(do this by typing:)
[cat=461] (replace the number with the ID# of the gifted cat)

I'll start us off:


Your party has been traveling for days in this dungeon, and you wearily come upon 3 doors. Splitting up is not an option, as beasts roam every corner. Do you enter-

Door 1: You can hear shuffling about behind the door. It stinks!

Door 2: Through the bars, you can just make out something scraggly in the corner; it isn't moving.

Door 3: Something burns brightly within; a pleasant smell is emanating from it's core.

Art Sources:
Door 1 Patrick Jones
Door 2 kheftel
Door 3 Exonto
-- Last edited on Dec 24, 2023 0:52:04
Discord hosting gone sadge
Not-cat with a choco cloudpoint shorthair coatbib, ears, & belly white markings squint eyes. Mint Glittersilk Tail SilksForget-me-not Tail CorsageWhite Bead AnkletsForget-me-not Petal WhirlMint Glittersilk ScarfWhite Bead Circlet[Custom] BFF necklace leftLeft Forget-me-not Headpiece




account age 6/9

Oct 22, 2023 23:20:29
ooh i love these sorts of games! I'll take door 3 laughing
Not-cat with a buff classic longhair coatcharc classic trade markingsowl mantle white markings uwu eyes. [Custom] Sunflower Field[Custom] SM24 - Dawn Set[Custom] Cute BlushHorned Skull



(no pronouns)

account age 7/9

Oct 22, 2023 23:27:42
ill take door 2! :D
Mercat with a ginger rosette shorthair coatteal rosette tailno white markings neutral eyes. Lulu Appreciation CloakRight Gloomy Hearts EarringGloomy Hearts NecklaceLeft Gloomy Hearts Earring


Wallflower Towne


account age 8/9

Oct 22, 2023 23:28:28
Door one then? I'm not sure how it works but this seems cool!

Oops just saw splitting up is not an option!

Oops, I just saw door one is fine! My bad!
-- Last edited on Oct 22, 2023 23:31:07
Hi, sorry! I am so so busy lately. If you need something just PM me, I normally always respond!
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino white markings uwu eyes. [Custom] Silver Celestial Comets[Custom] Extra Crunchy JPEG[Custom] Sorrowful Tears[Custom] Silver Laurel Set[Custom] Sky Flower Deer Antlers Headband[Custom] SP24 - Winter Witch Dress[Custom] Falling Snowflake Whirl[Custom] SP24 - Winter Floral Border


ɴᴇꜱᴛᴏʀ'ꜱ ᴡᴏᴏᴅ


account age 8/9

Oct 22, 2023 23:36:18

Door 1: @crabrangoon and his party decide to venture into the first door in which shuffling can be heard. It is quite a heavy door! After some heaving, he stumbles upon a lil guy desperately in need of a bath!

Skunk joins your party!

Door 2: @zir uses the trusty bolt cutters that any adventurer must have in their emergency kit and cuts the chains! When the gate rises, zir and party find a soft little toy! Whew, good thing no one was hurt!

trinketsHandmade Fluffluff Toy

Door 3: @strawbebbyy and her party eagerly open up the warm door, enticed by its smell. They are happy to find a sweet companion!
collectablesCinnamon Leafhog
Discord hosting gone sadge
Mercat with a ginger rosette shorthair coatteal rosette tailno white markings neutral eyes. Lulu Appreciation CloakRight Gloomy Hearts EarringGloomy Hearts NecklaceLeft Gloomy Hearts Earring


Wallflower Towne


account age 8/9

Oct 22, 2023 23:37:13
sparklepartysparklepartysparkleparty SKUNK

Will doodle some doors and get some stuffs! flowers
-- Last edited on Oct 22, 2023 23:38:41
Hi, sorry! I am so so busy lately. If you need something just PM me, I normally always respond!
Mercat with a ginger rosette shorthair coatteal rosette tailno white markings neutral eyes. Lulu Appreciation CloakRight Gloomy Hearts EarringGloomy Hearts NecklaceLeft Gloomy Hearts Earring


Wallflower Towne


account age 8/9

Oct 23, 2023 0:27:28
Just for the record, this formatting could be a bit better! Sorry in advance!

So, you walk through the dungeon and wonder, "what's next"?

For awhile, it's quite dark. Not a single light in your field of vision, making your next decision difficult. You ponder about what doors will appear next. Then suddenly, your party stumbles upon them!...in the middle of a corn field?


Yep. That sure is a corn field alright, with doors sticking right in the middle of it. You and your party try to look to see if there's another way, but alas, all you find is corn. You have one choice. Pick a door.

Your options are:

The first door. A shabby tiny little oak door with the South Wind symbol on it. You feel as if something is softly cheering you on as you approach it, like something is giving you a gentle nudge to it. You're unsure why, but it's quite comforting!

The second door. A tall and sturdy birch door with a wobbly doorknob, and with the Trade Wind symbol on it. It's purely quiet and quite mysterious. You can feel that there's knowledge pouring from behind this door, and it fascinates you.

The third door. A seemingly untouched older mahogany door with the North Wind symbol on it. The power from it is indescribable. Upon getting close to it, you feel that there's a warm and loud presence nearby.

So, what door will it be?

Hi, sorry! I am so so busy lately. If you need something just PM me, I normally always respond!
Mercat with a black mink shorthair coatchoco mink trade markingsgreen mink taillocket & toes white markings uwu eyes.




account age 8/9

Oct 23, 2023 0:52:01
oh my... i think ill take 3!

please ping!
Not-cat with a silver colorpoint longhair coatbeige colorpoint trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings uwu eyes. Fabulous Silver AuraPlain Glittersilk ScarfAshy Bumblebees




no user role

Oct 23, 2023 1:11:42
i’ll take the first door! :o
Not-cat with a choco cloudpoint shorthair coatbib, ears, & belly white markings squint eyes. Mint Glittersilk Tail SilksForget-me-not Tail CorsageWhite Bead AnkletsForget-me-not Petal WhirlMint Glittersilk ScarfWhite Bead Circlet[Custom] BFF necklace leftLeft Forget-me-not Headpiece




account age 6/9

Oct 23, 2023 2:31:13
I'll take the second door since it's left :D
oops I missed the wait one game thing, I'm sorry!! I'll sit the next few out so others get a chance
-- Last edited on Oct 23, 2023 2:35:39
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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?