site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Wyvernmyth's Friends

Not-cat with a silver mackerel longhair coatsnow mackerel trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings uwu eyes. Spring Leaf CloakSpring Leaf on HeadLight Noodle TailFalling Winter LeavesBlue Noodle Scarf
The Claim
(any pronouns)
Not-cat with a brown classic longhair coatno white markings uwu eyes. Tasty Yellow WildflowerDark Ear ScarsRight Lavender Dianthus HeadpieceOrange Tulip Tail CorsageLicorice GarlandYellow Wildflower CrownPawcorn NecklaceHardwood Sword
Candlewick Centre
Not-cat with a choco spotted longhair coatbrown spotted trade markingslocket white markings neutral eyes. Dark Ear ScarsCamo Tie-Dye ShawlLavender Dianthus Tail CorsageSheathed KnifeWoven Grass BackpackScarf of DreamsCatmint GarlandWatercolor Daisy Petal WhirlTasty StickTasty Summer LeafStick CrownLeft Lavender Dianthus Headpiece
Twig Village
Not-cat with a aprico mackerel shorthair coatpiebald / C6 white markings uwu eyes. Right Daisy HeadpieceDaisy Petal WhirlDaisy Tail Corsage
The Rose Gardens
(any pronouns)
Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint longhair coatbib & boots white markings sleepy eyes.
Little Town
Not-cat with a choco clouded shorthair coatbrown clouded trade markingslocket & toes white markings content eyes. Dark Back Leg ScarsHardwood Bark ArmorHardwood Bark ShieldHardwood Bark FlagCrown of RosemaryaaaaaaaaaaRainbow Moustache
Bristle Woods
Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino / C10 white markings stern eyes. Uncut Rose Quartz SpinesLight Left Eye ScarUncut Ruby PendantsaaaaaaaaaaLight Tail Scars
Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint longhair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings neutral eyes. Dark Back Leg ScarsDark Right Eye ScarDark Tail ScarsRound SunglassesLulu Appreciation CloakRight Red Carnation HeadpieceBest Friend Teal MeteoriteBest Friend Purple Meteorite
The nameless town
(any pronouns)
Not-cat with a orange mink shorthair coattail, boots, & belly white markings neutral eyes. Runestone TangleUncut Rose Quartz CrownLight Rock TailpieceUncut Ruby Pendants
Rising Knights Kingdom
Mercat with a snow lynxpoint shorthair coatviolet lynxpoint tailno white markings content eyes. Light Ear ScarsGreen Lakeweed MantleAroace Scarf BGreen Heartfruit on Head
Cobbled Arch
Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint shorthair coatspotted piebald / C7 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsLight Left Eye ScarUncut Diamond AnkletsLightwood SwordFalling Spring LeavesLightwood Log Cutting Pendant
The Wildwood Grounds
Not-cat with a choco mink shorthair coatbrown mink trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. Lightwood Bark Flag
New Joy
Not-cat with a buff lynxpoint longhair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings squint eyes. Fallen Grass CrownUncut Sapphire Necklace
(any pronouns)
Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint longhair coatbib & boots white markings right eyes. Purple Butterfly Swarm

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