site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint longhair coatlocket white markings sleepy eyes.




account age 6/9

User ID: 12552

Join Date: 2023-08-11

Birthday: unlisted

Village Profile
Village Lore!

The members of this village knew they were different long before they even met Nestor. They knew, logically, they had to be cats, but that didn't stop them from feeling like they were something Other. Something distinctly Not A Cat. But the cats they met said they had to be cats - for what else could they be? - and despite how Wrong that seemed (how Wrong they felt), they knew it had to be true. Each of them spent most of their time on Earth alone, struggling to hide these feelings of Wrongness, burying everything that was Not A Cat deep within their bones, where hopefully it would simply rot away, and they'd finally be like the normal cats.

And then they found each other. And then, they weren't so alone. They found there were others like them, others that were just as Wrong as them, just as Not A Cat as them. And, although the world around them was just as harsh and unforgiving as it had been before, they found safety and hope in the others. Now, they began to realize that perhaps it wasn't them who was Wrong. Perhaps they didn't have to be like the normal cats.

And when Nestor opened the portal, and told them that they really were Not Actually Cats, they knew they had always been Right. There was nothing inside them that was Wrong, rather, the world around them was. They were never meant to be like normal cats, for they weren't even cats to begin with. They were not-cats, and they belonged somewhere. There was a world full of not-cats just like them, a world where none of them were Wrong or different or something Other. A world where they didn't have to hide. And so they formed a village, and called it Home, for what else was there to call it? After all, the not-cats were finally home.

Info About Me (i guess?)

Hiya! You can call me Void, Wyl, or Edgar. I'm an artist (though I likely will never post any of my art...) and a writer. I'm mostly here to collect not-cats and make up fun lore for my village! And, of course, to look at y'all's cool art.

I'm transgender and very queer (though who isn't on this website?), and queerness finds its way into a lot of my art and writing (I didn't fully intend for my village lore to be such an overt metaphor for being trans and finding queer communities; that's just how it turned out).

Feel free to message me or send friend requests! (It might take a while for me to respond, though).

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