site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a orange solid longhair coataprico solid trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings uwu eyes. Woven Grass ManePeriwinkle CrownTasty Blue WildflowerPeriwinkle Tail CorsageBlue Glittersilk SashesLavender Glittersilk SashesBlack MoustacheRed Silk Bowtie




account age 5/9

User ID: 17005

Join Date: 2024-01-20

Birthday: April 24

Village Profile

Rise for Quota!



sparklesI love blueberries! OFFLINE UNTIL JULY 26sparkleparty

Strange cat names? I'll usually name cats to something in Hebrew, or give them a Semitic name. Not-cats with an asterisk * are open for sales, so send a message! Wishlist at the bottom.


The starting not-cats are termed as the founders of Tense. Tense as of now is centered around a campout with a stick shelter. Smaller outposts have been made, but are sparsely populated. The mine, the stream, an open meadow, and just outside of Tense have all had minor structures built, but new not-cats are arriving all the time. Tense is developing rapidly, and has recently held the first elections.

Not-cats arriving in Tense usually change their name to something Israeli or Hebrew in fashion. Their names are generally translations of their old name, or experience a slight shift to become more Semitic. This is done in honour of Mishmish, the true original founder of Tense. His drive was what built Tense from the ground-up. The founders were cynical originally and so kept their original name, so the tradition of name-changing was established during the second wave of settlers. The name changes are not required, but are highly encouraged, and Mishmish has forbidden any sort of discrimination.

The not-cats originally lived in an egalitarian society, since the village was too small to govern properly. As the population exploded during the third migration to Tense, elections were held to organize the village under a mayor. Mishmish of course won, but not without competition from two of his friends of all people. Now Tense is democratic just like the rest of Nestor's Wood.

There are currently two secret societies in Tense: Quota's disciples and the Rune Society. Quota's disciples are led by Quota, one of the founders, and are currently representing a sizeable demographic of the population. They are quite influential! The Rune Society simply hosts a chapter in Tense. In addition, nearly every not-cat who calls Lapthorne parent has mysteriously moved to Tense. What do they want? What should Tense do!?

Tense's development

The second wave of settlers is marked by the defeat of the Shadow of Nestor, deep in the woods. This resulted in a veritable prize of 30 essence fragments, which provided to be the funds necessary to persuade more not-cats to join. It ended after the construction of a barn, prior to which the rate of arrivals slowed considerably. This barn gave a push to immigration.

The third migration is considered to have started after the construction of a barn, the final piece to increasing immigration. The construction of larger, brick buildings marks the new era. Immigrants currently comprise all adults in Tense, excluding the founders, of course, but the first beans were arriving! Meanwhile, a strange secret society involving ginger, red, and orange not-cats enveloping themselves in pigeons is establishing itself in mysterious ways . . .

After the first elections held for mayor, immigration slowed down. Growing the village is no longer a priority and some not-cats are even being sent travelling to establish a larger political presence in Nestor's Wood. All immigrants after this point are dubbed as a 'newer arrival' and many not-cats' children are being considered second-generation citizens of Tense. Tense had a large and rapid growth, but now it is time to settle down. Quota's mysterious influence appears to be spreading to other villages, however, and his disciples have begun to gain traction. Is this the revolution? Only with your help can orange not-cats rise up.


  • A void not-cat
  • Solid albino not-cat
  • A mercat with accent colours other than BL, BB, and LL. Sigh.
  • Sunflowers
  • Bones/Tree Sap
  • Paint
  • Fantail Pigeons and other feather-related items for Quota and his disciples.


  • A good teacher (Soos Katan is 1:13)
  • An inverse not-cat (Thanks, Rosiesunny!)
  • Point-patterned cats (no matter how rare)


Drawn by me to practice. I like doing art but I suck. Criticism welcome! Please help me improve :c

Not-cat with a choco mink shorthair coatbrown mink trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes. Black Cotton Socks[Custom] White Lily Petal FurRight White Lily HeadpieceWhite Bead AnkletsAshy Bumblebees

Mar 8, 2024 17:54:52
Thanks for Carina! I love her little lore blurb btw
Mar 8, 2024 17:14:40
Thank you for the items you sent mefeels
Not-cat with a orange spotted longhair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings content eyes. Tasty DaisyBlue Wildflower CrownRed Silk BowtieGold Worm on Head

Mar 7, 2024 13:47:02
YO! WHITE CATS WITH ORANGE TAILS LET'S GO!!! We also have the same registration date! cheerblueheartcheer
Mercat with a ginger rosette shorthair coatteal rosette tailno white markings neutral eyes. Lulu Appreciation CloakRight Gloomy Hearts EarringGloomy Hearts NecklaceLeft Gloomy Hearts Earring

Feb 15, 2024 19:45:13
I love orange cats sm,,,, thank you cryinghugcheer Orang my beloved orangeheart
Not-cat with a orange mackerel longhair coatbrown mackerel trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Hunter's Tail CozyRight Snowdrop HeadpieceBest Friend Orange Bun

Jan 28, 2024 20:04:29
did you say you hated cookies??? wtf???
and no i'm not paying you!!
thanks for doing the survey tho!!
Not-cat with a choco mink shorthair coatbrown mink trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes. Black Cotton Socks[Custom] White Lily Petal FurRight White Lily HeadpieceWhite Bead AnkletsAshy Bumblebees

Jan 27, 2024 22:04:20
Mishmish is too cute and pure for this world blushingcryinghug I love his bowtie
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatno white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] Pastel Paint XP[Custom] Glitched

Jan 22, 2024 22:06:56
welcome to pce! boop enjoy cat ♡♡
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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?