site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a black mink longhair coatchoco mink trade markingsno white markings content eyes. Left Daisy HeadpieceWatercolor Daisy Petal WhirlWhite Lily Tail Corsage



(any pronouns)

account age 2/9

User ID: 19305

Join Date: 2024-06-05

Birthday: unlisted

Village Profile
Hi there! I'm Min sparkles
I need to write the lore...

Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings sleepy eyes. Silver BubblesWhite Wildflower Crown
(any pronouns)

Jul 2, 2024 2:38:42
Thank you very much for snowmelt cards Min, I really appreciate that! cheer
Jun 29, 2024 11:35:10
You're very welcome! Happy to help. hug
Not-cat with a cream broken shorthair coatnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Black WheelchairBrown Eggshell NecklaceBest Friend Brown Mini-Pig

Jun 27, 2024 11:37:19
might ask someone do redo genetic just for the tails for all my cat who don't have their genetic revealed
Not-cat with a cream broken shorthair coatnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Black WheelchairBrown Eggshell NecklaceBest Friend Brown Mini-Pig

Jun 27, 2024 11:28:10
Mercat with a black solid shorthair coatindigo solid tailno white markings neutral eyes. Dark Sheathed KnifeRuby Geode NecklaceCrown of Hope

Jun 25, 2024 23:09:14
Thank you SO MUCH they are perfect hug
Not-cat with a aprico classic longhair coattan classic trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings content eyes. Hardwood Log Cutting PendantScarf of Dreams
(any pronouns)

Jun 10, 2024 8:14:00
Thank you SOSO much for the lil donation hughug As I said in the tags of that post, I'd love to doodle one of your not-cats if you want me to! Lmk which one :] (feel free to DM me too, if the back-and-forth in the profile comments are annoying xd) feelshugcheer
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings sleepy eyes. Silver BubblesWhite Wildflower Crown
(any pronouns)

Jun 5, 2024 9:21:00
Wow your custom cat is so pretty! feels
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