site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Mercat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino white markings left eyes. Ribbons of PromiseYellow StarstruckBlue Glittersilk Tail Silks


Bird Town


account age 7/9

User ID: 6009

Join Date: 2023-02-17

Birthday: March 12

Village Profile
bird2 bird4 bird3 bird1
I am a bird loving fool and I love spoiling my cats!
I breed blue, purple and green albinos!
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings right eyes. Daisy Petal WhirlPlain Glittersilk SashesLight Fantail Pigeon on TailLight Fantail Pigeon on BackLight Fantail Pigeon CouncilSilver GlitterdustLight Fantail Pigeon Buddy
Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino / C10 white markings right eyes. Round Red-Tinted GlassesRed Polkadot ShawlRed Carnation NecklaceRed Carnation CrownRed Carnation Tail CorsageRed Carnation Petal Whirl
Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino / C10 white markings content eyes. Plain Cotton MantleRound GlassesLight Ammonite NecklaceSilver Firefly BuddiesBest Friend White Bun
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino white markings right eyes. Lavender Glittersilk ScarfLavender Glittersilk VeilCrocus Petal WhirlLavender Glittersilk Leg SilksLavender Glittersilk Tail SilksBlue Starstruck
Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino / C10 white markings left eyes. Daisy Tail CorsageWhite Butterfly SwarmDaisy Petal WhirlTasty White LilyWhite Lily Necklace
Mercat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino white markings left eyes. Ribbons of PromiseYellow StarstruckBlue Glittersilk Tail Silks
Grey Chicks
Straw Nest
Pile of Sticks
Aqua Eggs
Rainbow Painting
Blue Polkadot Wall Quilt
The Before-Beans Painting
Blackbird Painting
Blue Pennant Streamers
Blue Pile of Feathers
Blue Clay Duck
Green Clay Duck
Blue Pile of Feathers
Blue Flag
Pile of Blue Blankets
Blue Woodland Viper
Flock of Magpies
Blue Swimming Noodle
Blue Pile of Feathers
Blue Polkadot Kitty Doll
Blue Pile of Feathers
Blue Feather Garlands
Blue Feather Garlands
Flock of Blue Fantail Pigeons
Diagonally Roosting Blue Fantail Pigeons
Horizontally Roosting Blue Fantail Pigeons
Blue Forest Hawk
Blue Hardwood Bed
Small Blue Pillows
Small Blue Moose Plushie
Blue Roadside Market
Indigo Terracotta House
Giant Silver Tree Owl


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