site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino white markings left eyes. Best Friend Teal MeteoriteMeteorite on HeadBest Friend Purple MeteoriteDaisy NecklacePink Butterfly SwarmTasty DaisySilver TiaraRight Daisy Headpiece


The Celestial Ruins


account age 7/9

User ID: 7925

Join Date: 2023-02-19

Birthday: October 30

Village Profile
flower1feather Dove featherflower1
flower2I always accept new friends!flower2

gem1INFJ 3w2gem1prideflag She/They/He transflagsun 24 sun

flower1 Neurodiverse flower1transcat Trans & DemiBi pridecatmoonsEST (+0)moons
glittersparklesglitterglitter W E L C O M E ! glittersparklesglitterglitter
Hi! My name is Dove! I'm 24 and +0 from site time. I've only been playing 2 1/2 months so I am still learning a lot but so far, I have become super into the site and I love my digital fur babies so much. <3 I use she/they/he pronouns and sometimes my pronouns will change. Still trying to figure out that darn gender stuff, it should come with a tutorial.

I'm neurodiverse and that sometimes will affect my social skills. I have Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD) which basically means I really want to talk, make friends and be social, but, it's VERY scary and difficult. So I'll try my best, but please know that sometimes my replies may be slow, I ask that you pretty please be patient with me. I'll always try to respond to the best of my abilities!

I always welcome random friend requests, DM's, profile messages, etc. Feel free to talk to me! I don't bite! I especially would love to make friends on here I can interact and trade gifts with. I love giving gifts! I'm also on Flight Rising as Macroura! I love giving gifts on there as well! I've been there ~6 years and I'm so happy I found another site with similar vibes.

Some of my fandom interests include: Warrior Cats, Marvel, Pokemon & Star Wars.
Some of my hobbies are: Art, writing, nature, animals, singing, birdwatching, gardening, crystals & reading.
Some general stuff I like is: DOVES, cats, bats, sunflowers, coffee, vampires, making Warrior Cat/Marvel AU's, Halloween, Fall, fluffy blankets & my pets.

Not-cat with a charc broken shorthair coatgrey broken trade markingslocket white markings squint eyes. Forget-me-not CrownMint Glittersilk SashesMint Glittersilk Tail SilksMint Glittersilk Leg SilksRed Noodle ScarfBrief Monologue

Jun 1, 2024 13:22:41
The celestial ruins are so magical looking sparkleparty
thonk …What's the story behind having so many unused scenes? Did you buy them on accident or something?
Mercat with a buff solid longhair coatcharc solid trade markingsgold solid tailbib & boots white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] Scyllas Seaward Scallop[Custom] Scyllas Tentacle Wig[Custom] Red Starfish Pal[Custom] C Coastline Sandy Pearl Whirl

Oct 31, 2023 3:42:03
Thank you for giving Wolf a new home!
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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?