site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is clear colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] White Fluffy Forest Hound Bodysuit[Custom] White FluffbootsScarf of Dreams


Cybercat City


account age 6/9

User ID: 8555

Join Date: 2023-06-23

Birthday: April 7

Village Profile
village a hefty wip ; based loosely around Stray

Not-cat with a brown clouded longhair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings neutral eyes. Light Right Eye ScarHardwood Sword

Oct 10, 2023 16:51:14
Thanks for buying Marigold! I see you really like her! I forgot to clear her friendship before pawning her off on the world- do you want me to temporarily send Jake over with a Letter of New Beginnings?
Not-cat with a black solid longhair coatred solid trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings uwu eyes. Yellow Wildflower CrownYellow Wildflower NecklaceGold Tail RingsSunflower Petal WhirlGreen Fantail Pigeon on Tail

Oct 10, 2023 10:21:44
Thank you for the snacks and compliment! Zelda is just the best isn't it?!hug
Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino white markings sleepy eyes. [Custom] Moonlit Sea - Lavender[Custom] Cosmic Picnic Set[Custom] Fennec Friend[Custom] Instant Camera

Sep 10, 2023 17:33:20
thank you so much for the welcome!!! i'm having a great time so far ^^<3
Not-cat with a red mink longhair coatblack mink trade markingsbib & boots white markings content eyes. Primary RainbowPan ScarfPink Silk Tail BowBlue Butterfly SwarmRainbow Tulip CrownRainbow Tulip Petal WhirlRound GlassesTasty Starball

Sep 10, 2023 15:54:11
bijou is adorable, so thank you! sparkles i gave them a cute bow:

Not-cat with a snow mackerel shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings sad eyes. Dried Grass Scarf[Custom] Gatherer's Basket

Sep 10, 2023 14:29:52
no problem! she will be happy, so do not worry.
Not-cat with a choco mink shorthair coatbrown mink trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes. Black Cotton Socks[Custom] White Lily Petal FurRight White Lily HeadpieceWhite Bead AnkletsAshy Bumblebees

Sep 9, 2023 12:58:14
Ah I'm glad you thought so! happy
Not-cat with a choco mink shorthair coatbrown mink trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes. Black Cotton Socks[Custom] White Lily Petal FurRight White Lily HeadpieceWhite Bead AnkletsAshy Bumblebees

Sep 8, 2023 22:53:05
Thank you for adopting Nova! redheart
Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint shorthair coatlocket white markings content eyes. Light Right Eye ScarUncut Rose Quartz SpinesEmerald Geode NecklaceGold TiaraRed DragonfliesSword

Aug 7, 2023 17:56:14
loveee your username! hug hug
Not-cat with a cream classic longhair coatalmond classic trade markingstrue piebald white markings content eyes. [Custom] Rooftop[Custom] TV-headDaisy Petal WhirlDaisy Tail CorsageWhite-Flowered Vine TangleLight Leather ShoesSnowmeowto Tail Twist

Aug 4, 2023 0:56:11
love the ghibli themed names, super cute. and thanks for giving gy a home! i was worried he wouldnt get a good one heartbubble bird3
Jul 30, 2023 23:19:04
The little bunnies leaning on sleeping Nile is so cute and a genius way to style the items greenheart
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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?