site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a silver colorpoint shorthair coatsnow colorpoint trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings squint eyes. Gold CuffsGold Tail RingsGold NecklaceCrown of ChamomileRight Red Carnation HeadpieceWine Dianthus Tail CorsagePlain Glittersilk Scarf




account age 6/9

User ID: 8571

Join Date: 2023-06-23

Birthday: January 3

Village Profile

Not-cat with a smoke classic longhair coatsilver classic trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings squint eyes. Dark Right Eye ScarDark Left Eye ScarBlack Cotton SocksDark QuiverHeavy Black Wool ScarfBest Friend Black Mini-PigSilly Grey Squid Hat

Jul 3, 2023 21:07:02
Not-cat with a silver colorpoint longhair coatsnow colorpoint trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings neutral eyes. White Bead CircletWhite Periwinkle NecklaceDark Right Eye ScarPeriwinkle Petal Whirl

Jul 3, 2023 18:09:10
Not-cat with a smoke mink longhair coatalmond mink trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings content eyes. Right Black Tulip HeadpieceBlack Cotton MantleRed Geometric Scarf

Jun 24, 2023 17:08:45
Welcome to PCE! rally
Not-cat with a silver colorpoint longhair coatsnow colorpoint trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings neutral eyes. White Bead CircletWhite Periwinkle NecklaceDark Right Eye ScarPeriwinkle Petal Whirl

Jun 23, 2023 19:43:25
beans1 GRASPS U
Not-cat with a smoke classic longhair coatsilver classic trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings squint eyes. Dark Right Eye ScarDark Left Eye ScarBlack Cotton SocksDark QuiverHeavy Black Wool ScarfBest Friend Black Mini-PigSilly Grey Squid Hat

Jun 23, 2023 19:17:17
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