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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a snow cloudpoint longhair coatlocket & toes white markings stern eyes. Dark ScytheDark Skeletal BeadsDark Birdskull NecklaceTasty Black TulipDark Horned SkullBlack Tulip Tail CorsageDark Scavenged PendantsBlack Tulip Petal Whirl


The Reins of Time


account age 9/9

User ID: 918

Join Date: 2022-05-08

Birthday: unlisted

Village Profile
Hiya, I'm Locust! I'm a 19-year-old writer who has no idea what he's doing on this site. Like at all. Oops. I celebrate my birthday on October 5th instead of my legal birthday, which is why it's hidden! :)

I hoard null wind cats! I like the white meow meows that you can't pick up with a magnet.

I go through periods of being quiet and being super talkative because neurodivergency goes brr. If I'm quiet, it doesn't mean I'm inactive!

A storm is brewing from afar.
We can't see it, but we know that
It seeks us, it haunts us, it sends
Warning of its awakening
As silent thunder, its shadow
Cast darkness on our pelts of light.
May we remain quite safe and dry
As we flee from the haunting storm.
We ride our horse of hope away.
We rest on its saddle of dreams.
We guide it with

The Reins of Time is a wandering group of cats connected by two things: They are all Null Wind, and that they are absolutely, deathly afraid of storms. This comes from the (frankly unfounded) fear that they are constantly being followed by a storm that will wipe out worlds near and afar, a myth perpetuated by a poet and leader of the group Storm in the Distance a long, long time ago back in the Old City. This myth arose out of a severe storm that occurred a long, long time ago... but Storm in the Distance will never let this fear nor this myth go. They and their village- a large group of null cats connected by lonesomeness and fear- have now come to Not-Earth to seek shelter from the Storm... If that's even possible.

Click here to read more!

Not-cat with a choco clouded shorthair coatginger clouded trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings sleepy eyes. Aqua Snail on BackCalico Isopod BuddiesTan Snail on Head
(any pronouns)

Jul 17, 2022 14:24:48
Locust hi!! It's me, Lilith, I loved your lore poems!
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