site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a snow mackerel longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. Dark Sunflower CrownBlack Cotton MantleRed Geometric ScarfLeaf Fossil NecklaceDark Sunflower Petal Whirl




account age 6/9

User ID: 12801

Join Date: 2023-08-12

Birthday: October 12

Village Profile
header-link one
at the end of the world as we know it, there is a pillar of stone.

it might have not always been there, or, it might have not always been noticeable, albeit many do tell stories of opening up their eyes, rubbing away at the traces of hypnagogia and staring right into the structure, unable to move. the pillar, with its edges jagged and blurry, stared back. the surrounding air struggled to accomodate its atoms for that deep-cut wound of a construct applied in the middle of it, and the longer one had watched, it was getting harder to breathe.

each witness has recollected their memories with the same feverish elation in their eyes. whether mournful, enraged or terrified, they all possessed an unshakeable conviction in their innocence and that the pillar had no reason to punish them with its overbearing presence just at the periphery of their being. it was not their fault, they said. what they remembered was not their fault.

the pillar is not in any way remarkable; one would rather say it was its ordinary terror that sunk deep within the not-cat subconscious. that, and its unstable form: it was impossible to describe the exact shape of it, which left one to circle around its generalisation and simulacra, every single one worse than its precedessor. every image woven by the witnesses was of slightly different strands, each either missed out on or added a detail which had not appeared in a different story again. the only constant were a concur of sudden clarity that, yes, what they saw was indeed a pillar of stone, the knowledge the it could crush their bodies in an instant, and the half-visible shadows standing right at its base.

header-link two

quail or saburat / english language learner / plural
our art shop / our f2u codes / A grotesquely extended, low-quality photograph of Trent Reznor looking at the viewer with an exhausted manner. our trent reznor
we are currently busy with college, but love every small interaction we can have here. DMs and comments are very okay, but please refrain from random friend requests unless we have talked with one another a few times ^^

Not-cat with a snow mackerel shorthair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings left eyes.
(any pronouns)

Oct 29, 2023 23:33:59
trick or treat!
Mercat with a choco colorpoint longhair coatginger colorpoint trade markingsviolet colorpoint tailbib & boots white markings content eyes. Black Silk BowtieDark QuiverCrown of Chamomile

Oct 28, 2023 15:33:43
trick or treat! hug
Not-cat with a buff broken shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings content eyes. Worn Iron KneepadsQuiverRed Geometric ShawlSnowdrop NecklaceCareful ConversationDried Grass Hat

Oct 28, 2023 14:29:33
I just have to appreciate fellow NIN enjoyers muscle do yall have a favorite album eyeofnestor mine is Year Zero (although it's a toss up between that and The Slip)
Not-cat with a snow classic shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings content eyes. aaaaaaaaaaGreen Fantail Pigeon on BackBlue Fantail Pigeon on TailGreen Fantail Pigeon Buddy[Custom] Bug Catcher's CaseWhite-Flowered Vine Tangle

Oct 28, 2023 12:37:08
candy trick or treat!! :D (woah.. what a mysterious pillar..) candy
Not-cat with a black classic shorthair coatred classic trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings uwu eyes. Tasty Red CarnationBlack Cotton MantleLesbian StreamersRed Lily Crown[Custom] Enchanted Silk Moth SwarmWhite Butterfly NecklaceWhite Butterfly SwarmRed Carnation Tail CorsageWhite Butterfly on Head

Sep 21, 2023 14:33:01
Np!! And yay a fellow bifrost incident fan!! cheer
Not-cat with a snow colorpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Trans ScarfCrown of Chamomile

Sep 12, 2023 20:02:48
My favourite artist in the whole wide world and the owner of the best not-cat on all of not-earth (świergotek 💚💚💚)
Not-cat with a black solid longhair coatred solid trade markingstail tip & toes white markings sleepy eyes. [Custom] Plants and VinesWhite Butterfly Swarm[Custom] Forest Stripes Oversized SweaterRound Glasses[Custom] Potted Plant Gang

Aug 27, 2023 5:56:36
Oh goodness, thank you! I took the chance to look through your profile and not-cats and I'm super intrigued by your lore as well. Also didn't know it's possible to name cats in other alphabets—that's super cool!
Not-cat with a brown spotted longhair coatlocket white markings squint eyes. Round Glasses[Custom] Green Knitted Vest and Shirt[Custom] Big Red Head Bow[Custom] Eyebags

Aug 25, 2023 12:13:29
no problem! ^-^
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