site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings stern eyes. Dark Tail ScarsKnifeDark Ear ScarsObsidian BubblesDark Feather on HeadSapphire Floating Heart


Zephyr Heights


account age 6/9

User ID: 11986

Join Date: 2023-08-11

Birthday: August 18

Village Profile

Settled amongst the rolling hills near the lake is a quaint little village. When they first arrived, they placed themselves among the trees, but now the village has expanded out into the hills. The village is called Zephyr Heights and it has become home to many unique not-cats. The founding group of not-cats started as strangers, but have become a found family, each one doing their part to grow the village.

A black and white cat named Zee is credited in founding the village, he took the lead upon arrival and despite his... attitude problems, has become a respected and well loved not-cat in the community. He may come off cold and distrusting, but he loves the not-cats that have become his family dearly.

As the village continues to grow, the not-cats of Zephyr Heights have begun to travel the lands of not-earth- but no matter what, they will always have a home back in the village.



"Welcome to Zephyr Heights! Our own little corner of not-earth!

We're all pretty happy to have guests around here, erm... barring a few... unique personalities. But not to worry! I'm sure everyone will be happy to meet you. If you have an questions, feel free to drop us a letter (message) and we'll get right back to you!"

-Furize, Innkeeper


Business Exhanges in Progress

Hiriachi - 35k in notes and business cards (4.5k ea) to bring 447775 home. [33k/35k]



List of Desires


-Albinos and hidden albinos
-Solids, especially black, gray range and orange range. LH preferred.
-Lynxpoints, colorpoints, cloudpoints, minks.
-High white cats, particularly inverse, left and piebald.
-Any inverse whites.
-Nulls, particularly with interesting patterns.
-High stat cats (20+ in multiple stats)


-Nestor clothing items
-Flower clothing items
-Dark Skeletal beads

Not-cat with a smoke mink longhair coatalmond mink trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings content eyes. Right Black Tulip HeadpieceBlack Cotton MantleRed Geometric Scarf

Aug 12, 2023 18:08:45
Welcome to PCE! rally
Not-cat with a red spotted longhair coatblack spotted trade markingslocket & toes white markings content eyes. Gold Fantail Pigeon BuddyBest Friend Orange ChickenCat-tato on Head

Aug 11, 2023 20:03:18
Welcome welcome!
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