site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

MyopicDinobird's Scenery

Not-cat with a red mackerel shorthair coatginger mackerel trade markingslocket & toes white markings left eyes. Rock BeadsEmerald Geode CrownGreen Feather AnkletsEmerald Geode NecklaceCamo Tie-Dye Tail Wrap
Orange Oldwood Bed
Small Oldwood Shelves
Plain Oldwood Bed
[Custom] Single Tiny Hardwood Shelf of Books
Plain Clothed Oldwood Table
Loaves of Bread
Pot of Catrot Soup
Fallen Grass Mat
Dark Fur Rug
[Custom] Oldwood Wall-mounted Coat Hanger
Black Darkwood Bed
Hardwood Desk
Yellow Heart Bed Throw
Brambleberry Bush
Common Spitting Toad
Weathered Frog Statue
Common Grapevine Deer
Lightwood Path Marker
Pile of Red Blankets
Plain Hardwood Pillar
Pile of Plain Blankets
[Custom] Decorative Little Green Tea Cup
Small Blue Pillows
Green Floral Pillow
Large Inn
Huge Weathered Cat Statue
deep forest scene with tall trees and small cliffs in cloudy weather in spring
Outskirts | Twinkling Clearing | Scene #68178

Scene Description
The Twinkling Clearing not-cats have put up a huge statue of a not-cat so other not-cats don't see this area and think it is not already populated by not-cats. Because it is. They just haven't quite expanded this far yet.

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Markl

Decor in Scene: Orange Oldwood Bed #1389, Small Oldwood Shelves #1358, Plain Oldwood Bed #1376, [Custom] Single Tiny Hardwood Shelf of Books #7203, Plain Clothed Oldwood Table #1375, Loaves of Bread #5855, Pot of Catrot Soup #5856, Fallen Grass Mat #361, Dark Fur Rug #232, [Custom] Oldwood Wall-mounted Coat Hanger #7192, Black Darkwood Bed #1413, Hardwood Desk #1576, Yellow Heart Bed Throw #2379, Brambleberry Bush #2679, Common Spitting Toad #2549, Weathered Frog Statue #2676, Common Grapevine Deer #2567, Lightwood Path Marker #2670, Pile of Red Blankets #1460, Plain Hardwood Pillar #3457, Pile of Plain Blankets #1386, [Custom] Decorative Little Green Tea Cup #7164, Small Blue Pillows #1319, Green Floral Pillow #2317

Buildings in Scene: Large Inn #2829, Huge Weathered Cat Statue #2661

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