site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is clear colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

EclipsedCookie's Scenery

Not-cat with a choco broken shorthair coatpainted spots white markings stern eyes. Light Tail ScarsIron Claws of SlicingIron KneepadsIron ArmorRock TailpieceCrown of HopeGreen Heart Pendant
Not-cat with a cream classic shorthair coatright piebald white markings squint eyes. Dark Back ScarsSpearBlack Heart PendantRed Noodle TailDark Right Eye ScarDark Ear ScarsRock Crown
Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint shorthair coatno white markings content eyes. Orange Cotton MantleCrown of WintermintBlack Silk Tail BowGold Crispleaf Necklace
Not-cat with a choco broken longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings neutral eyes. Broccatli on HeadKitty Squash BuddyTasty Tiger Lily
Not-cat with a choco broken shorthair coatno white markings content eyes. Uncut Ruby NecklaceLight ShovelLeft Black Violet HeadpieceLight Rock TailpieceDark Front Leg Scars
Flock of Dark Fantail Pigeons
Patch of Snowmeowtoes
Leaning Shovel
Crate of Kitty Squash
Crate of Pawcorn
Green Heartfruit Cluster in Tree
Gathering Tan Worms
Cotton Plant
Rosemary Plant
Nightgloom Vine
Catmint Plant
Gathering Blue Worms
Crate of Sweet Cat-tatoes
Brambleberry Bush
Crate of Catbage
Lightwood Path Marker
Huge Weathered Cat Statue
Cobblestone Garden
Large Tree Stump
forest scene in clear weather in spring
Shadowed Sun | Scene #97752

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Ciel, Celbahr, Whistle, Fern, Quick

Decor in Scene: Flock of Dark Fantail Pigeons #2720, Patch of Snowmeowtoes #2191, Leaning Shovel #1867, Crate of Kitty Squash #3395, Crate of Pawcorn #3396, Green Heartfruit Cluster in Tree #3386, Gathering Tan Worms #816, Cotton Plant #962, Rosemary Plant #944, Nightgloom Vine #2680, Catmint Plant #941, Gathering Blue Worms #814, Crate of Sweet Cat-tatoes #989, Brambleberry Bush #2679, Crate of Catbage #992, Lightwood Path Marker #2670

Buildings in Scene: Huge Weathered Cat Statue #2661, Cobblestone Garden #1171, Large Tree Stump #2664

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