site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

egretorchid's Scenery

Not-cat with a smoke rosette longhair coatsilver rosette trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings content eyes. Blue Silk BowtieTasty Blue WildflowerBlue Silk Tail Bow[Custom] Plants and VinesBrown Cotton Socks
Not-cat with a ginger classic shorthair coatorange classic trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings neutral eyes. Maroon Feather AnkletsGold Tiara
Not-cat with a red spotted shorthair coatginger spotted trade markingsright bicolor white markings squint eyes. Black Cotton MantleDark Sheathed RapierBlue Feather NecklaceRainy Hearts Tail Corsage
Not-cat with a cream mackerel shorthair coatno white markings right eyes. Dark Leather Satchel BagBrown Silk Bowtie
White Lily Garland
Scattered Stones
Scattered Stones
Yellow Striped Rug
Cross-stitch Periwinkle
Tiny Violet Pot
Yellow Oil Lantern
[Custom] DIY Lamp Post
Hanging Pink Carnation Pot
Oldwood Path Marker
Hanging Periwinkle Pot
Pink Wildflower Box
Empty Fishing Basket
Green Floral Ruffle Curtains
Clay Red Carnation Pot
Tiny White Lily Pot
Red Geometric Bed Throw
Small Haunted Cottage
Brick Oven
Scattered Stone Path
forest scene with crumbling ruins and runestones in rain weather in spring
flufflesville | Scene #113060

Scene Description
The dense forest and the irrational fear of being watched linger as you warily follow the path, and you brace yourself for the scariest thing ever. The trees eventually begin to clear, and instead, you've come across the soon-to-be quaint village of flufflesville. You also notice a sign on the side held up by a tall rock with indecipherable paw-writing... or maybe that's just cursive.

- Lillianne

Welcome to our town of Flufflesville!
 carved wood cat greeting

carved wood sitting cat

tea im gonna add a real description later... when i come up with one thonk
the le in flufflesville is usually silent (fluffs-ville) but you can pronounce it however you like!!

lore counter: 9 (1 wip)
(this is also here so i can remind myself to give my cats lore...)

i got silly listening to music so im giving flufflesville a theme!! its La vita e sogno :) also the (second) best genshin town is petrichor change my mind!!!

fun fact i struggle to read cursive so LOL

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: lillianne, Lavender, Tiger, Fallow

Decor in Scene: White Lily Garland #3488, Scattered Stones #2665, Scattered Stones #2665, Yellow Striped Rug #1350, Cross-stitch Periwinkle #3471, Tiny Violet Pot #859, Yellow Oil Lantern #1892, [Custom] DIY Lamp Post #8016, Hanging Pink Carnation Pot #3055, Oldwood Path Marker #2672, Hanging Periwinkle Pot #854, Pink Wildflower Box #367, Empty Fishing Basket #615, Green Floral Ruffle Curtains #2315, Clay Red Carnation Pot #834, Tiny White Lily Pot #3072, Red Geometric Bed Throw #2367

Buildings in Scene: Small Haunted Cottage #1163, Brick Oven #1179, Scattered Stone Path #2660

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