site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

50thousandeyes's Scenery

Not-cat with a cream classic shorthair coatpiebald / C6 white markings uwu eyes.
Not-cat with a grey classic shorthair coatlocket white markings neutral eyes.
Not-cat with a aprico mackerel longhair coatsnow mackerel trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings right eyes. Dark Hunter's BootsBrown Fantail Pigeon on TailTasty Tiger LilyGolden Beetle Shell NecklaceBrown Hunter's Coat
Not-cat with a choco mackerel longhair coatginger mackerel trade markingsbib & boots white markings right eyes. Light Feather PendantsGreen Feather TailpieceWoven Grass Scarf
Not-cat with a ginger clouded shorthair coatchoco clouded trade markingsnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Green Noodle ScarfAqua Snail on Back
Not-cat with a brown mackerel shorthair coattan mackerel trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings right eyes. Yellow Wildflower CrownOrange Hunter's CoatTasty Green DianthusRight Green Dianthus HeadpieceDark Skeletal BeadsDaisy Necklace
Not-cat with a tan mackerel longhair coatnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Uncut Quartz SpinesLight Rock Crown
Hole in Tree
Sitting Grey Patched Bun
Large Light Package
Small Light Package
Large Dark Package
Unnerving Statue
Oversized Red Dragonfly
Standing Black Woolly Bun
Standing Brown Woolly Bun
Brown Forest Hawk
Horizontally Roosting Blue Fantail Pigeons
Basket of Red Fish
Post of Snail and Wonder
Hanging Woven Vines
Blue Wildflower Box
Yellow Wildflower Box
Stick Bundle
Dark Mounted Antlers
Light Fur-Wrapped Shelter
Large Wooden Barn
forest scene with crumbling ruins and runestones in cloudy weather in spring
Littwychl | Scene #58003

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Melon, Liayra 🌠, Carrie, Seafoam, Tiller, Lizard, Zarek

Decor in Scene: Hole in Tree #826, Sitting Grey Patched Bun #1016, Large Light Package #2860, Small Light Package #2862, Large Dark Package #2864, Unnerving Statue #2879, Oversized Red Dragonfly #791, Standing Black Woolly Bun #997, Standing Brown Woolly Bun #1001, Brown Forest Hawk #2558, Horizontally Roosting Blue Fantail Pigeons #2742, Basket of Red Fish #617, Post of Snail and Wonder #626, Hanging Woven Vines #349, Blue Wildflower Box #365, Yellow Wildflower Box #369, Stick Bundle #382, Dark Mounted Antlers #255

Buildings in Scene: Light Fur-Wrapped Shelter #1150, Large Wooden Barn #1159

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