site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

soundsofastar's Scenery

Not-cat with a charc mink longhair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings stern eyes. Uncut Sapphire PendantsUncut Diamond NecklaceForget-me-not Petal Whirl[Custom] Screaming Friend CockatooBest Friend Teal MeteoriteBlue Worm on HeadDark Right Eye Scar
Not-cat with a snow spotted shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings uwu eyes. Rainy Hearts Petal WhirlUncut Diamond AnkletsUncut Diamond SpinesRainy Hearts CrownBlue Fantail Pigeon on TailRainy Hearts NecklaceBlue Butterfly SwarmRainy Hearts Tail Corsage
Not-cat with a ginger classic shorthair coatorange classic trade markingsnose, bib & boots white markings squint eyes. Blue Daisy CrownLightwood Bark ShieldLight Rock NecklaceBlue Noodle Scarf
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatnose, bib & boots white markings sad eyes. Firefly BuddiesYellow-Flowered Vine TangleSunflower Necklace
Not-cat with a red solid shorthair coatlocket white markings stern eyes. BumblebeesTasty Yellow WildflowerYellow-Flowered Vine CrownSunflower Tail CorsageRight Sunflower Headpiece
Not-cat with a ginger solid longhair coatorange solid trade markingsno white markings right eyes. Crown of ChamomileYellow-Flowered Vine TangleKitty Squash BuddyFalling Light Green Crispleaves
Teal Falling Meteorite
Purple Falling Meteorite
Hanging Woven Basket
Extra Large Light Package
Brambleberry Bush
Heart of the Woods Map
Diagonally Roosting Gold Fantail Pigeons
Craftscat's Workstation
Scattered Stone Path
forest scene with crumbling ruins and runestones in rain weather in spring
Kerenza IV | Scene #101304

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Wheatley, Aidan, Arnit, Yi Sang, Rinne, Stirling

Decor in Scene: Teal Falling Meteorite #7556, Purple Falling Meteorite #7557, Hanging Woven Basket #348, Extra Large Light Package #2859, Brambleberry Bush #2679, Heart of the Woods Map #2880, Diagonally Roosting Gold Fantail Pigeons #2733

Buildings in Scene: Craftscat's Workstation #1176, Scattered Stone Path #2660

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