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Nestor's Wood ★

Olm's Scenery

Not-cat with a ginger classic longhair coatorange classic trade markingslocket & toes white markings right eyes. [Custom] Cozy Autumn Socks[Custom] Cozy Autumn Beanie and Blush[Custom] Cozy Autumn Bag[Custom] SP24 - Spring Lily Breezy Scarf[Custom] Basket of Mushrooms
Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatchoco mackerel trade markingsnose & toes white markings uwu eyes. Gold CrownRainbow Moustache[Custom] g l i t c h e d o u tRainbow Confetti
Beacon of Hope
Fledgling of Hope
Serpent of Dreams
Baby Noodle of Dreams
Creature of Wishes
Puppy of Wishes
Herald of Promise
Little Guy of Promise
Teal Falling Meteorite
Purple Falling Meteorite
Red Striped Rug
Loaves of Bread
Flock of Magpies
Large Bizarre Cube
Unnerving Statue
Unnerving Statue
Unnerving Statue
Unnerving Statue
Large Unnatural Obsidian Crystal
Unnerving Statue
Rainbow Box of Secrets
Gold Toothy Rat
Rainbow Leaf Mite
Snow Forest Hound
Toxic Ember Wisp
Black Flower Fairy
Tall Wooden Fence
Tall Wooden Fence
Large Wooden Barn
open clearing in the woods in rain weather in spring
Jumper’s Oddities | Bugsville | Scene #110266

Scene Description

Jumper’s Oddities
On the outskirts of Gardenhome City, a barn sat full of some of the rarest items and animals in all of Nestor’s Wood...

Jumper’s favourite thing in the whole entire world is collecting rare and strange objects and creatures! Hoping for more not-cats to appreciate these oddities, he had built a barn to keep these wonderful critters and items.

The barn- more like a museum or zoo, than anything- is open to the public to visit and enjoy. Though taking care of forest hounds and ember wisps every day can get annoying, he loves his job and couldn’t be happier in his little barn.

Clementine, a frequent visitor of the barn, brings loaves of bread for the animals and Jumper every once a week. Sometimes, they have picnics with their friends in the barn- though it’s hard to keep the animals from eating their food.

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Clementine, Jumper

Decor in Scene: Beacon of Hope #7822, Fledgling of Hope #7823, Serpent of Dreams #7824, Baby Noodle of Dreams #7825, Creature of Wishes #7826, Puppy of Wishes #7827, Herald of Promise #7828, Little Guy of Promise #7829, Teal Falling Meteorite #7556, Purple Falling Meteorite #7557, Red Striped Rug #1461, Loaves of Bread #5855, Flock of Magpies #900, Large Bizarre Cube #2683, Unnerving Statue #2879, Unnerving Statue #2879, Unnerving Statue #2879, Unnerving Statue #2879, Large Unnatural Obsidian Crystal #28, Unnerving Statue #2879, Rainbow Box of Secrets #90, Gold Toothy Rat #2533, Rainbow Leaf Mite #2536, Snow Forest Hound #2572, Toxic Ember Wisp #2575, Black Flower Fairy #2557

Buildings in Scene: Tall Wooden Fence #1531, Tall Wooden Fence #1531, Large Wooden Barn #1159

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