site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
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Nestor's Wood ★

Bee888's Scenery

Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatno white markings squint eyes. Violet Circle PendantPurple Cotton SocksMantle of WishesLavender Glittersilk Tail SilksTasty Lavender DianthusPurple Silk Head BowLavender Dianthus Petal Whirl
Not-cat with a choco mackerel shorthair coatno white markings content eyes.
Not-cat with a choco mackerel shorthair coatbrown mackerel trade markingsno white markings uwu eyes. Walnut Glittersilk Tail SilksCatmint GarlandTasty CatmintCrown of Parsley
Not-cat with a grey mackerel shorthair coatno white markings squint eyes.
Not-cat with a grey spotted shorthair coatnose & toes white markings content eyes. Tasty Wintermint
Lavender Dianthus Garland
Patch of Lavender Dianthus
Plain Pennant Streamers
Plain Striped Rug
Small Plain Pillows
Plain Pennant Streamers
Dried Grass Mat
Red Clay Moose
Red Clay Kitty
Yellow Oil Lantern
Mini Red Row of Books
Yellow Glass Cups
Confetti Hearts Painting
Cast Iron Stove
Little Stick Hut
Jars of Dried Spices
Yellow Heart Kitty Doll
Small Blue Pot
Small Blue Pot
The Before-Beans Painting
Painting of Cats in Love
Trade Runestone
South Runestone
Hardwood Path Marker
Fledgling of Hope
Fledgling of Hope
Planter of Catmint
Hanging Lavender Dianthus Pot
Diagonally Roosting Light Fantail Pigeons
Flock of Finches
Paw and Heart Painting
Large Haunted Barn
Huge Weathered Cat Statue
deep forest scene with tall trees and small cliffs in rain weather in spring
Comfrey & Pink | Cairn Tor | Scene #121938

Scene Description
'You're so sharp and beautiful. Where have you been all my life? Why have I never seen you around?'confused
'I'm a black cat who works in a Mine; I'm surprised you can see me at all....'weary
'Do you like flowers?'flowers
'Good, because I don't have any. How about herbs? You like herbs?'thonk
'Great! I'm called after a herb...name's Comfrey. Do you want to go out?'feels
'Out? Of the Mine? To live?'hi
'I live in a Barn.'house
'Oh....Yeah well I....'hmm
'It's a Haunted Barn.'eyeofnestor
'Count me in.'happy
'Together Forever then?'hug
'If the Barn's haunted, we can haunt it ourselves one day.'hug
'Not for a while, right?'speech
'Agreed. Is Sage good for you?'overwhelmed
'I just ate all of it.'leafhat

Comfrey & Pink settled down into True Love and a strange kind of liking that Comfrey was determined to grow into something bigger. Pink missed living in the Mine but found Comfrey to be comforting and fuzzy; like a tea cosy. hugcozy

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Pink, Anikita, Comfrey, Padan, Oliver

Decor in Scene: Lavender Dianthus Garland #3490, Patch of Lavender Dianthus #3081, Plain Pennant Streamers #2852, Plain Striped Rug #1387, Small Plain Pillows #1382, Plain Pennant Streamers #2852, Dried Grass Mat #354, Red Clay Moose #2021, Red Clay Kitty #2019, Yellow Oil Lantern #1892, Mini Red Row of Books #1537, Yellow Glass Cups #1893, Confetti Hearts Painting #1979, Cast Iron Stove #2858, Little Stick Hut #385, Jars of Dried Spices #958, Yellow Heart Kitty Doll #2349, Small Blue Pot #2009, Small Blue Pot #2009, The Before-Beans Painting #2279, Painting of Cats in Love #1989, Trade Runestone #388, South Runestone #387, Finch #897, Hardwood Path Marker #2668, Fledgling of Hope #7823, Fledgling of Hope #7823, Planter of Catmint #949, Hanging Lavender Dianthus Pot #3085, Diagonally Roosting Light Fantail Pigeons #2725, Flock of Finches #898, Paw and Heart Painting #2003

Buildings in Scene: Large Haunted Barn #1170, Huge Weathered Cat Statue #2661

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