site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Wooloo's Scenery

Not-cat with a grey mackerel longhair coatno white markings content eyes. Forget-me-not NecklaceRight Forget-me-not HeadpieceForget-me-not Petal WhirlForget-me-not Tail Corsage
Not-cat with a beige colorpoint shorthair coatpiebald / C6 white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] White Tuft WigBlue Daisy CrownBlue Daisy Tail Corsage[Custom] Icy Shimmersnow Mantle[Custom] Blue Daisy Petal Fur
Clay Forget-me-not Pot
Light Feather Garlands
Brown Feather Garlands
Dark Tree Cicada
Hole in Tree
Small Rocks
Tall Stone Cairn
White Wild Mushrooms
Red Wild Mushrooms
Snowcap Wild Mushrooms
Single Blue Fantail Pigeon
Broken Blue Runestones
Broken Red Runestones
Pink Wildflowers
Pink Wildflowers
Bone Garlands
Dark Bone Garlands
Large Summer Grass
Flora and Growth Runestone
Moon and Sun Runestone
Broken Red Runestones
Null Runestone
Trade Runestone
Medium Weathered Cat Statue
North Runestone
Small Weathered Cat Statue
Stone Cairn
Moon and Sun Runestone
Single Forget-me-not
forest scene with crumbling ruins and runestones in cloudy weather in spring
In loving memory | Lazy Town | Scene #17761

Scene Description
A little graveyard for my beloved mother and cat that I have lost last year

Nicole † 21st of November 2022
Lotte † 29th of December 2022

I miss both of you so so much, please rest in peace

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: ★Lotte, ★Nicnac

Decor in Scene: Clay Forget-me-not Pot #2181, Light Feather Garlands #252, Brown Feather Garlands #248, Dark Tree Cicada #818, Hole in Tree #826, Small Rocks #568, Tall Stone Cairn #399, White Wild Mushrooms #960, Red Wild Mushrooms #961, Snowcap Wild Mushrooms #1485, Single Blue Fantail Pigeon #2739, Broken Blue Runestones #395, Broken Red Runestones #396, Pink Wildflowers #374, Pink Wildflowers #374, Bone Garlands #224, Dark Bone Garlands #225, Large Summer Grass #337, Flora and Growth Runestone #391, Moon and Sun Runestone #393, Broken Red Runestones #396, Null Runestone #389, Stalagmite #585, Trade Runestone #388, Medium Weathered Cat Statue #2677, North Runestone #386, Small Weathered Cat Statue #2678, Stone Cairn #398, Moon and Sun Runestone #393, Single Forget-me-not #2171

Buildings in Scene:

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