site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

LapisZap's Scenery

Not-cat with a tan broken shorthair coataprico broken trade markingslocket & toes white markings stern eyes. Dark Tail ScarsDark Ear ScarsGold CuffsGold Tail RingsSpring Leaf CloakYellow Wool ScarfLightwood Log Cutting PendantSpring Leaf on HeadSquare Yellow-Tinted GlassesRound Yellow-Tinted Glasses
Not-cat with a red classic shorthair coatno white markings sleepy eyes. Yellow Heart Waist Wrap[Custom] Service Friend Snow FoxLightwood Log Cutting PendantRight Yellow Violet HeadpieceYellow Violet NecklaceYellow Violet Tail CorsageTan Noodle ScarfTan Noodle TailYellow Violet Petal Whirl
Not-cat with a almond broken shorthair coatsmoke broken trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Light Ear ScarsLight Left Eye ScarYellow Heart Leg WrapsLavender Floral ShawlYellow Heart ScarfYellow Heart Tail WrapLightwood Log Cutting PendantLight RapierLeft Light Fantail Pigeon Friend
Tall Blue Lakeweed
Blue Lakeweed Pile
Empty Fishing Basket
Short Lake Post
Planter of Parsley
Brown Patched Woolly Pig
Small Rocks
Hanging Red Carnation Pot
Short Lake Post
Patch of Red Carnations
Bumpy Brown Lakeweed
Ashy Bee Hive
Scattered Stones
Large Bizarre Cube
Dark Swimming Noodle
Dark Pile of Feathers
Green Tree Cicada
Large Stone Path Marker
Tall Woven Basket
Large Tree Stump
Light Fur-Wrapped Shelter
forest scene at the side of a lake in rain weather in spring
Pythe's home | Sprucefort | Scene #21597

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Pythe, Ember, Scale

Decor in Scene: Tall Blue Lakeweed #602, Blue Lakeweed Pile #601, Empty Fishing Basket #615, Short Lake Post #624, Planter of Parsley #951, Brown Patched Woolly Pig #1034, Small Rocks #568, Hanging Red Carnation Pot #836, Short Lake Post #624, Patch of Red Carnations #832, Bumpy Brown Lakeweed #608, Ashy Bee Hive #825, Scattered Stones #2665, Large Bizarre Cube #2683, Dark Swimming Noodle #631, Dark Pile of Feathers #262, Green Tree Cicada #819, Large Stone Path Marker #2666, Tall Woven Basket #344

Buildings in Scene: Large Tree Stump #2664, Light Fur-Wrapped Shelter #1150

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