site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

sylveondreams's Scenery

Not-cat with a smoke spotted shorthair coatalmond spotted trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. Winter Leaf CloakDark Feather TailpieceWinter Leaf on HeadOldwood Bark Shield
Not-cat with a brown broken longhair coatorange broken trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings right eyes.
Not-cat with a red broken shorthair coatblack broken trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes.
Not-cat with a ginger broken shorthair coatorange broken trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes.
Not-cat with a brown broken shorthair coatno white markings uwu eyes.
Patch of Pawcorn
Yellow-Flowered Vine
Red Heartfruit Cluster in Tree
Large Unnatural Emerald Crystal
Cottonball Garland
Dark Tiny Note to Self
Large Kitty Squash
Patch of Snowpeas
Grey Forest Hawk
Small Weathered Cat Statue
Large Bizarre Cube
Dark Tiny Note to Self
Hanging Fallen Basket
Sitting Grey Woolly Bun
Single Crocus
Small Darkwood Chest
Light Mounted Sword
Leaning Dark Shovel
Blue Glass Cups
Copper Coffer
Painting of Cats in Love
Red Clay Moose
Brown Clay Duck
Small Green Pot
Hanging Oldwood Sign
Heart of the Woods Map
Orange Fur Rug
Tall Stone Cairn
Lightwood Desk
Cast Iron Stove
Simple Fenced Garden
open clearing in the woods in rain weather in spring
Wednesday Town | Scene #51989

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Kyler, Zelkova, Cloud, Lephar, Armistice

Decor in Scene: Patch of Pawcorn #3378, Yellow-Flowered Vine #3370, Red Heartfruit Cluster in Tree #3380, Large Unnatural Emerald Crystal #33, Cottonball Garland #965, Dark Tiny Note to Self #1575, Large Kitty Squash #3375, Patch of Snowpeas #2190, Grey Forest Hawk #2559, Small Weathered Cat Statue #2678, Large Bizarre Cube #2683, Dark Tiny Note to Self #1575, Hanging Fallen Basket #362, Sitting Grey Woolly Bun #1014, Single Crocus #2169, Small Darkwood Chest #1402, Light Mounted Sword #1858, Leaning Dark Shovel #1869, Blue Glass Cups #1888, Copper Coffer #1915, Painting of Cats in Love #1989, Red Clay Moose #2021, Brown Clay Duck #2028, Small Green Pot #2033, Hanging Oldwood Sign #2816, Heart of the Woods Map #2880, Orange Fur Rug #231, Tall Stone Cairn #399, Lightwood Desk #1579, Cast Iron Stove #2858

Buildings in Scene: Schoolhouse #2845, Simple Fenced Garden #1158

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