site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is windy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Ludovico's Scenery

Not-cat with a snow solid shorthair coatno white markings right eyes. [Custom] Multiple Snow TailsAlbino Isopod Buddies[Custom] SP24 - Spruce Apidae Attire
Not-cat with a snow lynxpoint shorthair coatno white markings content eyes. Dark Skeletal BeadsGrey Geometric ShawlDark Fantail Pigeon on BackDark Birdskull NecklaceObsidian Bubbles
Not-cat with a snow lynxpoint shorthair coattoes white markings uwu eyes. [Custom] Brown OverallsRainbow Tulip NecklaceRainbow Tulip Tail CorsageIsopod BuddiesRight Rainbow Tulip HeadpieceRainbow Tulip Petal WhirlRainbow Confetti
Not-cat with a snow colorpoint shorthair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings content eyes. Unnatural Orange CrownIridescent BeetlesIridescent Beetle Shell Necklace[Custom] PR24 - Gay Bug Wing Collar[Custom] PR24 - Bottled Gay PotionWatercolor Daisy Petal WhirlRainbow Confetti
Large Unnatural Silver Crystal
Unnatural Emerald Shards
White Periwinkle Garland
Patch of Violets
Patch of White Periwinkles
Enchanted Rat Skeleton
Dazzling Rat Skeleton
Patch of Violets
Patch of Daisies
Patch of Forget-me-nots
Little Snowy Fox
forest scene at the side of a lake in windy weather in spring
The Ramble | Scene #63743

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Bumble, Almond, Oat, Milk

Decor in Scene: Large Unnatural Silver Crystal #29, Unnatural Emerald Shards #51, White Periwinkle Garland #3491, Patch of Violets #856, Patch of White Periwinkles #3087, Enchanted Rat Skeleton #2564, Dazzling Rat Skeleton #2566, Patch of Violets #856, Patch of Daisies #868, Patch of Forget-me-nots #2174, Little Snowy Fox #890

Buildings in Scene:

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