site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is clear colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Pig's Scenery

Not-cat with a silver rosette longhair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings uwu eyes. Daisy Petal WhirlWhite Bead CircletUncut Quartz Pendants
Not-cat with a orange broken longhair coataprico broken trade markingslocket white markings neutral eyes. Woven Grass HatSpring Leaf CloakTasty Pink WildflowerPink Wildflower NecklaceRainbow Confetti
Not-cat with a almond classic shorthair coatbeige classic trade markingsbib & boots white markings squint eyes. Plain Cotton MantleRound GlassesLight Fantail Pigeon on BackHeavy Brown Wool Scarf
Not-cat with a silver rosette shorthair coatno white markings sad eyes. Plain Wool HatPlain Cotton MantleLightwood Bark Flag
Not-cat with a smoke broken longhair coatalmond broken trade markingsbib & boots white markings content eyes. Left Gold Fantail Pigeon FriendRight Dark Fantail Pigeon Friend
Not-cat with a smoke classic longhair coatbib & boots white markings neutral eyes. Right Forget-me-not HeadpieceBlue Cotton MantleBlue Butterfly SwarmRound Blue-Tinted GlassesBlue Glittersilk Scarf
Lightwood Table
Patch of Catrots
Jars of Dried Herbs
Patch of Catrots
Jars of Dried Spices
Patch of Catrots
Patch of Catrots
White Glass Baubles
Scattered Notes
Silver Pile of Furs
Heart of the Woods Map
Edgy Bones Painting
Hanging Black Tulip Pot
Pile of Bones
Woven Grass Mat
Silver Frog Figurine
Single Lightwood Shelf
Hanging Woven Grass
Lightwood Path Marker
Large Wooden Barn
Simple Fenced Garden
open clearing in the woods in clear weather in spring
Cotton's Little House | Pig-xel Cat’s End | Scene #72305

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Cotton, Pancake, Clay, Bell, Tacocat, Basil

Decor in Scene: Lightwood Table #1448, Patch of Catrots #980, Jars of Dried Herbs #957, Patch of Catrots #980, Jars of Dried Spices #958, Patch of Catrots #980, Patch of Catrots #980, White Glass Baubles #1896, Scattered Notes #1564, Silver Pile of Furs #259, Heart of the Woods Map #2880, Edgy Bones Painting #1978, Hanging Black Tulip Pot #866, Pile of Bones #268, Woven Grass Mat #347, Silver Frog Figurine #92, Single Lightwood Shelf #1444, Hanging Woven Grass #350, Lightwood Path Marker #2670

Buildings in Scene: Large Wooden Barn #1159, Simple Fenced Garden #1158

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