site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Mertisal's Scenery

Not-cat with a grey clouded shorthair coatcream clouded trade markingsno white markings right eyes. Chamomile GarlandWhite Bead CircletLight RapierRight White Lily Headpiece
Not-cat with a red mackerel shorthair coatno white markings content eyes. [Custom] Dark Leather Blacksmith GlovesWorn Iron ArmorLight Right Eye ScarHeld Pickaxe
Not-cat with a red rosette shorthair coatbib & boots white markings squint eyes. Light Front Leg ScarsLight Left Eye ScarGrey Geometric Head WrapLight Tail Scars[Custom] Silver Spiked CollarSkeletal Beads
Not-cat with a black classic shorthair coatred classic trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings neutral eyes. Right Snowdrop HeadpieceHeavy Plain Wool ScarfSnowdrop Tail Corsage
Not-cat with a smoke spotted longhair coatnose & toes white markings right eyes. Red DragonfliesRed Lily CrownRed Lily Tail CorsageHeavy Red Wool Scarf
Not-cat with a grey broken shorthair coatsmoke broken trade markingsscattered piebald white markings neutral eyes. Blue DragonfliesPeriwinkle Tail CorsageHeavy Blue Wool ScarfPeriwinkle Crown
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings neutral eyes. Gold Tail RingsBerry Glittersilk VeilGold TiaraTasty Red CarnationRed Carnation Tail Corsage
Dark Mounted Skull
Patch of Tiger Lilies
Patch of Violets
Huge Weathered Cat Statue
Blacksmithing Forge
forest scene with rolling hills in cloudy weather in spring
Creeping Hills | Whispering Shade | Scene #7853

Scene Description
The strange curled hills are home to the blacksmith's forge, through the logic that it should be as far from Treehome as possible. Because... fire and trees don't mix. And fire and trees and an irresponsible head blacksmith definitely don't mix.

Luckily for the entire village, Amber is the secondary blacksmith when xe isn't mining to get materials for the forge, so unintended fires are at a minimum. Not quite at zero, because Peat is a dramatic sort of not-cat who likes to have fun (even if their idea of fun is a bit different than everyone else's), but it's not that bad.

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Amber, Peat, Rowan, Mystic, Aurora, Starlight, Facet

Decor in Scene: Dark Mounted Skull #257, Patch of Tiger Lilies #838, Patch of Violets #856

Buildings in Scene: Huge Weathered Cat Statue #2661, Blacksmithing Forge #1634

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