site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is cloudy colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
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Nestor's Wood ★

Alchemyst's Scenery

Not-cat with a cream classic longhair coatalmond classic trade markingsspotted piebald / C7 white markings sleepy eyes. Fallen Grass ScarfFallen Grass HatLight Orange Pumpkit BuddyFalling Autumn LeavesLeft Dark Sunflower HeadpieceOrange Hunter's Boots
Not-cat with a brown mink shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings right eyes. Dark Sunflower CrownRound SunglassesOrange Cotton MantleOrange Cotton SocksDark Leather ShoesBlack Striped ScarfScythe
Not-cat with a red mink shorthair coatbib & boots white markings left eyes. Right Bleeding Hearts EarringLeft Bleeding Hearts EarringPink Polkadot ShawlUncut Ruby PendantsBleeding Hearts Tail CorsageRound Glasses
Not-cat with a snow classic longhair coatlocket white markings squint eyes.
Not-cat with a buff solid longhair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes.
Oldwood Desk
Tiny Dark Orange Pumpkit
Yellow Glass Cups
Tiny White Lily Pot
Plain Striped Rug
Oldwood Chair
Small Cats Painting
Hanging Yellow Wildflower Box
Sunflower Garland
Patch of Tiger Lilies
Patch of Green Dianthus
Patch of Sunflowers
Patch of Rainy Hearts
Yellow Glass Baubles
Yellow Glass Baubles
Yellow Striped Rug
Little Guy of Promise
Big Plain Moose Plushie
Stone Walled Garden
Autumn Schoolhouse
forest scene with giant mushrooms in cloudy weather in spring
Hydrangea Academy | Brightstone | Scene #95043

Scene Description

Hydrangea Academy
The sound of laughter and scampering paws fill this space. In the garden, an older not-cat instructs a pair of kittens on how to properly weed the flowerbed. Another group of young cats pass you by, including a spectacled adult who pauses to greet you. "Oh! Hello! Were you here to interview for the teaching position? I need to get these little ones to class, but I'll be right with you!

Brightstone's all-inclusive school. Not-Cats of all ages come here to learn! During the morning, basic classes are held for the younger kittens. These cover topics such as reading, writing, geography, simple sciences and a general history of Brightstone and Not-Earth. In the afternoon, classes are held for adolescent not-cats. These cover more advanced levels of the kittenhood curriculum, as well as a life skills class to prepare them for adventuring and travel!

The principal of the academy, Rhubarb, keeps her office up on the second floor.

Hershey (Kittenhood Class)
Ron (Adolescent Literature, Math and Science)
Rika (Adolescent History & Magic/Alchemy)
Principal Rhubarb
Assistant Nurse Mango
Vanilla(Class of Winter '08)
Hershey (Class of Winter '08)
Crémé (Class of Winter '08)
Senick (Class of Winter '08)
Rogue (Class of Winter '08)
Marble (Class of Spring '09)
Primrose (Class of Spring '09)
Carmilla (Class of Summer ‘09)
Wave (Class of Summer '09)
Larkspur (Class of Summer '09)
Mocha (Class of Summer '09)
Neopolitan (Class of Summer '09)
Nyx (Class of Summer '09)
Truffle (Class of Fall '09)
Flurry (Class of Fall '09)
Sleet (Class of Fall '09)
Polaris (Class of Fall '09)

Hydrangea Academy also offers its building as a space for adult not-cats to have hobby/seminar classes in the evenings. Any resident of Brightstone can apply to teach or attend a class for free! Visitors from another village need to pay a small fee, but the notes are put right back into the school!

Current Community Classes
Clanmew Fundamentals
A piece of You in History: Journals as Records
Brightstone Theatre Co. Auditions and Practice
First Aid Foundations: Cuts and Bruises
Protect yourself! Combat basics

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Ron, Hershey, Rhubarb, Frost, Burnet

Decor in Scene: Oldwood Desk #1577, Tiny Dark Orange Pumpkit #3364, Yellow Glass Cups #1893, Tiny White Lily Pot #3072, Plain Striped Rug #1387, Oldwood Chair #1360, Small Cats Painting #2001, Hanging Yellow Wildflower Box #370, Sunflower Garland #3483, Patch of Tiger Lilies #838, Patch of Green Dianthus #844, Patch of Sunflowers #874, Patch of Rainy Hearts #3123, Yellow Glass Baubles #1891, Yellow Glass Baubles #1891, Yellow Striped Rug #1350, Little Guy of Promise #7829, Big Plain Moose Plushie #1384

Buildings in Scene: Stone Walled Garden #1173, Autumn Schoolhouse #2846

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