site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is rain colorful rainbow flowers decorate the forest scene
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Dreamkeeper's Scenery

Not-cat with a beige clouded shorthair coatsnow clouded trade markingstail tip & toes white markings left eyes. Shined Iron Claws of ClawingShined Iron ArmorUncut Diamond CrownFloating Silver Shards
Not-cat with a choco broken shorthair coatbrown broken trade markingspainted spots white markings left eyes. Lightwood Log Cutting Pendant[Custom] Light Moth Cloak
Not-cat with a brown solid shorthair coatno white markings neutral eyes. Dark Skeletal BeadsBrown Hunter's Tail CozyBrown Hunter's CoatHardwood Log Cutting PendantTasty Dandelion
Not-cat with a grey broken shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Black Cotton MantleGold Feather NecklaceGold Feather on Head
Not-cat with a aprico spotted shorthair coatsnow spotted trade markingsno white markings content eyes. Rose Quartz Geode NecklaceUncut Rose Quartz Anklets[Custom] Cherry Cloud CapeUncut Rose Quartz Crown
Dark Pile of Bones
Small Tree Stump
Ammonite Fossil
Brown Medium Rocks
Zebra Super-Isopod
Single Brown Fantail Pigeon
Diagonally Roosting Gold Fantail Pigeons
Large Unnatural Amethyst Crystal
Unnatural Rainbow Shards
Rose Quartz Crystal
Amethyst Crystal
Crate of Iron Ore
Crate of Gold Ore
Brown Stalactite
Metal Pan of Rubies
Mine Entrance
Blacksmithing Forge
forest scene at the mouth of a cave in rain weather in spring
NotClan | Scene #96824

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Silverstream, Riverflight, Coyoteclaw, Moonfall, Aspenbreeze

Decor in Scene: Dark Pile of Bones #267, Small Tree Stump #2685, Ammonite Fossil #558, Brown Medium Rocks #572, Zebra Super-Isopod #801, Single Brown Fantail Pigeon #2727, Diagonally Roosting Gold Fantail Pigeons #2733, Large Unnatural Amethyst Crystal #35, Unnatural Rainbow Shards #54, Rose Quartz Crystal #547, Amethyst Crystal #551, Crate of Iron Ore #577, Crate of Gold Ore #579, Brown Stalactite #588, Metal Pan of Rubies #591

Buildings in Scene: Mine Entrance #1160, Blacksmithing Forge #1634

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